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kishu币最新燃烧方案 kishu币未来价值-币圈网

kishu币最新燃烧方案 kishu币未来价值-币圈网





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kishu币最新燃烧方案 kishu币未来价值

作者:好想睡觉 • 更新时间:2023-04-23 14:11:35 •阅读



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KISHU于2021年4月17日推出,主打meme,总量一亿亿枚。因为其独特的机制,让各大投资者十分看好。下面一起来看看kishu币最新燃烧方案吧。一、kishu币最新燃烧方案KISHU的每笔交易均需要缴纳4%的交易税。其中,2%发送到燃烧地址,2%的交易分配给现有的持有人。另外1%用于奖励所有持币用户,这大大提高了大家的积极性,不仅币越来越少,而且还有分红。kishu有燃烧机制,目前每天都会增加持币地址,而且还不少,只要热度起来,燃烧充分,通缩之后币量会减少,从而使得价值增加。二、kishu币未来价值有人认为现在低谷的kishu币很可能归零,其实不会,至少短期内不会,手动销毁还是要进行的,也有人认为是蹭一波热度,再高也不会高过历史高度。Kishu Inu的开发愿景是加密领域,并成为第一个真正有价值的meme代币。





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Kishu Inu (KISHU):下一个有潜力的模因币?

Kishu Inu (KISHU):下一个有潜力的模因币? Перейтиксодержанию 寻找: 新闻 评测 矿业 贸易 训练 程序 完整清单 主页 » 评测 Kishu Inu (KISHU):下一个有潜力的模因币? 浏览次数 1.1k。 评论 0 内容 什么是纪州犬?纪州犬的历史Kishu Inu 想要达到什么目的?纪州犬如何工作?纪州犬的特点纪州犬的独特之处是什么?纪州交换纪州板条箱纪州爪印纪州宇宙纪州王国纪州犬路线图KISHU 代币经济学KISHU 价格预测KISHU 是一项好的投资吗?未来的纪州犬最后的想法狗狗币、柴犬等 Memecoins 多年来一直在加密货币世界流行。 这些数字货币的价格波动已被证明对一些投资者和投机者来说是极其有利可图的。 Kishu Inu 是这个领域的新来者,但它的原生代币已经进入了成千上万投资者的加密钱包。 让我们仔细看看这个加密货币令牌。 什么是纪州犬? Kishu Inu 是一种以狗为主题的模因硬币,具有去中心化交易所 (DEX)、奖励机制和 NFT。 她的主要任务是提高人们对加密货币的认识,以帮助它们变得更受欢迎。 Kishu Inu 生态系统由建立在 Uniswap、NFT 和 DEX 市场。 通过这个平台,您可以买卖和交易 KISHU 加密货币代币。 它们也可以通过质押机制获得。 此外,KISHU 持有者可以通过生态系统创建、购买、出售和交换 NFT。 它的设计仿照其他流行的表情包硬币,如狗狗币、狗狗币、Kabosu 等。 然而,Kishu Inu 在几个关键领域不同于其他模因硬币,并且在创建时考虑了特定的任务。 独特的是,她的吉祥物是纪州犬。 此外,它在其代币持有者中分配每笔交易的 2%。 虽然这种奖励结构是 Kishu Inu 独有的,但其他一些模因币也有相对类似的机制。 该策略鼓励用户持有 KISHU 代币。 纪州犬的历史 纪州犬于 2021 年大规模推出。 关于硬币模因的推出是 在时代广场的广告牌上宣布. 它的创始人和开发者仍然不为人知,但 Kishu Inu 的社交媒体账户暗示了他们的身份。 运营第一个月后,米姆币拥有超过 100 万活跃代币持有者,当时市值超过 000 亿美元。 最近,Kishu Inu 已成为最小的加密货币之一。 但是,它已经建立了牢固的伙伴关系。 例如,代币持有者可以在网站上计划旅行 使用 KISHU 代币。 Living Vogue Real Estate 也接受 KISHU 付款。 在与 Bybit 交易所建立关系后,Kishu Inu 成为第一个在交易所上架其 NFT 收藏的表情包币。 Kishu Inu 想要达到什么目的? 作为模因币,Kishu Inu 因其合法用途而在加密货币用户中脱颖而出。 与其一些著名的前辈相比,Kishu Inu 带来了新概念并将其提供给主流观众。 旨在实现目标的创新功能包括 纪州交换, 掌印, 纪州板条箱 и 纪州宇宙. Kishu Inu 通过其透明和自治的方式促进增长和发展。 虽然许多模因硬币似乎只是过时的趋势,但该项目的重点是通过持续发展和更好的奖励系统来保持其吸引力。 它还在设计时考虑了安全性:其代码经过彻底审核,并销毁加密货币令牌以将风险降至最低。 纪州犬如何工作? KISHU 代币是以太坊 ERC-20 代币。 它用于去中心化的使用奖励机制,代币持有者通过该机制获得每笔交易费用的 2% 的特许权使用费。 因此,代币持有者可以获得固定收入。 他们还可以创建、销售、交易和购买 NFT,此外还可以通过质押和参与加密货币用户可用的赚钱游戏来赚取奖励。 纪州犬的特点 由于其强大的功能和机制,这个 meme 硬币项目不仅仅是另一个以狗为主题的 meme 硬币。 虽然开发人员从狗狗币和其他硬币中汲取灵感,但他们专注于创造能够吸引主流并使用最新功能和机制的东西。 这些功能鼓励用户更长时间持有他们的加密代币,并为投资者提供长期吸引力。 纪州犬的独特之处是什么? 即时使用奖励 Kishu Inu 的结构包括静态奖励系统。 如前所述,每次买卖 KISHU 代币时,您都需要支付费用 手续费 2%的数量。 交易费作为奖励转移到 KISHU 持有者的钱包中。 每个代币持有者收到的确切金额取决于他们在流通中的加密货币代币的百分比。 许多 meme 硬币交易活跃,因为加密用户试图在价格波动时快速获利。 然而,这种静态奖励系统鼓励 KISHU 代币持有者长期维持甚至增加其持有量。 纪州交换 Kishu Inu 通过名为 Kishu Swap 的去中心化交易所运营,该交易所由 Uniswap 提供支持。 DEX Uniswap 以其最安全和最大的交易平台之一而闻名。 通过 Kishu Swap,代币持有者可以交换、购买或出售许多可用的 ERC-20 加密货币代币中的任何一种。 很快 Kishu Swap 将转换为 纪州交换 X,这将是一站式共享解决方案。 它的用户将能够在 16 个不同的区块链上交换超过 000 个代币,并通过最佳路由和桥接系统享受最优惠的价格。 纪州板条箱 艺术家参加 Kishu Inu 社区的比赛,他们创造的 NFT 将通过 Kishu Crate 提供。 艺术家通过 KISHU 流动资金池的努力获得奖励。 代币持有者可以将他们的代币放入 Kishu Crate,同时获得数字收藏品和 NFT 奖励。 Kishu Inu 社区集体投票决定哪些数字艺术应该通过 Kishu Crate 提供给代币持有者。 纪州爪印 代币持有者可以通过 Kishu Paw Print 应用程序轻松追踪他们的收入、奖品和持有量。 这款易于使用的应用程序提供详细的使用统计数据,包括价格图表、用户持有的当前美元价值等。 此外,加密货币用户可以方便地跟踪他们的资产,而无需坐在电脑前。 纪州宇宙 Kishuverse 是 Kishu Inu 项目的最新发展之一,其中一些方面仍在开发中。 这是一个集中式枢纽,艺术家可以在这里托管他们在 Kishu Inu 平台下创建的 NFT。 在这部分项目完成之前,加密货币用户可以访问官方 OpenSea 上的纪州犬收藏. 纪州王国 纪州犬的另一个独特之处是纪州王国游戏。 这种靠玩赚取 (P2E) 的纸牌游戏让玩家互相对抗,就像《炉石传说》和其他数字纸牌游戏一样。 纪州王国需要相当的战略。 每个玩家选择他们的英雄并构建套牌。 英雄可以使用法术、宠物和武器来击败对手。 纪州犬路线图 虽然 Kishu Inu 于 2021 年推出,但它已经经历了四个发展阶段。 第一步是实际启动。 当时的目标是拥有 2 名持有者和 000 名 Telegram 会员。 CoinGecko 和 CoinMarketCap 的上市也已经完成。 第二阶段专注于增长,开发者专注于实现 20 名持有者和 000 名 Telegram 会员的目标。 该网站也在这个阶段进行了重新设计。 在第三阶段——扩展——Kishu Swap 去中心化交易所推出。 参与者数量已增长到 30 名持有者和 000 名电报会员。 此外,Hotbit、Bilaxy 和 CoinTiger 已完成初始 CEX 上市。 最后一个阶段是实用阶段,在此期间参与者数量增长到 100 名持有者和 000 名 Telegram 会员。 创建了其他 CEX 列表,并且交易所在 上列出。 Paw Print、Kishu Crate 和 上的列表也已创建。 KISHU 代币经济学 Kishu Inu 是一个去中心化的社区驱动平台,由基于以太坊的 KISHU 代币提供支持。 该代币可以通过 Kishu Swap DEX 进行兑换。 它也可以用来购买 NFT,可以通过 Kishu Inu 奖励机制获得。 KISHU 还可以抵押以获得额外奖励,并且已经过严格的安全审核。 今天有 100 千万亿个 KISHU 代币在流通。 它的市场价值刚刚超过 38 美元。 KISHU 价格预测 KISHU 代币的当前价格(截至 9 年 2022 月 0,000000000396 日)为 XNUMX 美元。 它的价格不稳定,取决于几个关键因素。 其中之一是硬币模因的地位。 米姆币主要用作短期投资,可能导致短时间内价格大幅波动。 代币在领先交易平台上的可用性可以激发兴趣和活动。 此外,人们对去中心化金融 (DeFi) 领域的兴趣也越来越大。 Kishu Swap 充当 DeFi 交易所,因此交易活动可能会增加。 值得注意的是,KISHU 2021 年 0,000000000069 月的起始价格为 0,000000017547 美元,仅一个月后就达到了 2021 美元的峰值。 然后成本大幅下降,但到 1900 年 2022 月又上涨了 94%。 然而,从那时到 XNUMX 年 XNUMX 月,KISHU 的价值下跌了 XNUMX%,这很可能归因于普遍的熊市情绪。 Business2Community 对 KISHU 到 2022 年底的价格预测为 0,0000000024 美元。 根据他们的预测,到 2023 年底,代币的价格可能达到 0,0000000038 美元,从长远来看,到 0,0000000073 年将达到 2025 美元。 KISHU 是一项好的投资吗? 购买任何一种加密货币目前都是投机性的。 然而,目前 KISHU 代币的供应量只需几美分即可购买,因此适度投资的风险确实可以忽略不计。 KISHU 代币的价值目前远未达到峰值,并且有进一步下跌的可能性。 但是,如果发生这种情况,损失可能会很小。 同时,如果价值暴涨,那么在接下来的几年里,你可能几乎一无所获。 但是,如果您打算进行长期投资,则有很大机会从代币和奖励价值的增长中获利。 未来的纪州犬 纪州犬已成功完成四个成长和发展阶段。 同时,第一个月内就有超过 100 名加密货币用户购买了 KISHU,并且这个数字还在持续增长。 此外,纪州犬的社交媒体平台拥有数十万粉丝。 人们对 Kish Inu 有相当大的兴趣,并且这种兴趣可能会随着时间的推移而增加。 它的市场经过专门设计,比其他 doge-meme 硬币具有更长的流通寿命,其独特的特性和即将到来的发展可能有助于其持续流行。 最后的想法 Kishu Inu 的设计吸取了流行模因币的最佳特征,同时专注于创造有利于长期投资的特征和机制。 鉴于今天 KISHU 的价格极低,入门成本极低,并且在未来可能会证明是有利可图的。 吉寿 犬久树 评价这篇文章 您会感兴趣的 什么是卡斯帕(KAS)? 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Kishu Inu(KISHU) 币价,图表,市值以及其他指标 | CoinMarketCap

u Inu(KISHU) 币价,图表,市值以及其他指标 | CoinMarketCap加密货币: 2.2M+交易所: 723市值: $2.62T0.46%24小时交易量: $101.61B28.16%占有率: 比特币: 52.1% 以太币: 17.9% ETH Gas费: 66 Gwei Fear & Greed: 89/100加密货币加密货币排名分类全球走势图历史记录Bitcoin ETFsLeaderboards热门最近添加领涨和领跌访问最多NFTNFT 总体统计数据热门收藏品即将进行的销售活动On Chain DataDEX 交易对Chain Ranking热门 DEX 交易对交易所现货衍生品DEX社区动态TopicsLives文章产品PRODUCTS转换器CMC LabsTelegram Bot广告Crypto API网站小组件CAMPAIGNSAirdrops钻石奖励学习和赚取CALENDARSICO日历活动日历学习新闻AcademyResearch视频词汇表减半倒计时:37天自选列表投资组合搜索/Kishu Inu 价格 KISHU¥0.0...06446  10.20% (1天)Kishu Inu兑换为CNY的图表Loading Data请耐心等待,我们正在加载图表数据 加入自选列表 Kishu Inu统计数据市值 10.20%¥600,473,561#510交易量(24小时) 40.24%¥40,562,997#639交易量/市值(24小时) 6.76%流通供应量 93,148,196,810,651,100 KISHU93.15%总供应量 96,709,398,982,261,550 KISHU最大供应量 100,000,000,000,000,000 KISHU完全稀释的市值 ¥644,643,247合约Ethereum: 0xA2b4...25817D 官方链接网站白皮书GitHub社交媒体TwitterRedditFacebookDiscordTelegramAudits  CertiK网络信息区块链浏览器支持的钱包UCID9386  KISHU兑换为CNY的转换器KISHUCNY价格表现24小时 最低价¥0.0...06445最高价¥0.0...07437历史高点May 14, 2021 (3 years ago)¥0.0...01437-95.51%历史低点May 08, 2021 (3 years ago) 无数据查看历史数据热门程度加入自选列表的次数195,558x291st / 9.0K标签MemesDoggone Doggerel更多信息您是该项目的所有者吗? 更新代币信息 Loading Data请耐心等待,我们正在加载图表数据 Kishu Inu community          Kishu Inu markets全部CEXDEX现货永续合约期货所有交易对Loading data...Show full width免责声明:本页面可能包含联署营销链接。如果您访问任何此类联署营销链接,并且在这些联署营销平台上进行如注册或交易等操作,CoinMarketCap 将可获得报酬。请参阅《联署营销信息披露》。Kishu Inu新闻                    关于Kishu InuWhat Is Kishu Inu (KISHU)?Kishu Inu (KISHU) is a dog-based meme cryptocurrency that has selected the ‘Kishu’ dog breed as its mascot for its brand. The creators of KISHU do not hide that they were inspired by Dogecoin (DOGE), which was launched in 2013 and has since gained worldwide success and popularity.The mission of Kishu Inu is to take meme coins to another level. The team aims to turn the project into something more than just a meme or a joke, and most importantly, to empower the KISHU token with the qualities of a real long-standing currency. The main competitive difference from comparable coins is that Kishu Inu is completely community-owned: the developers do not reserve tokens for the team, but rely on donations.Kishu Inu is a decentralized transactional network with a community focus, meaning that all decisions are made by the community. The project aims to bring certain next-generation concepts into the mainstream like non-fungible tokens, decentralized finance and participation rewards.The dog-themed token was launched on April 17, 2021. Supporters of the digital asset and crypto enthusiasts have already named Kishu as Doge's older brother. Interest in the currency was also fueled by a series of billboards promoting the coin in New York’s Times Square.Who Are the Founders of Kishu Inu?Kishu Inu (KISHU) was launched in spring 2021 by an anonymous development team with a sincere interest in meme coins like Dogecoin (DOGE) in particular. However, especially attentive followers can get more information and hints on Twitter. Their official channel is @InuKishu.What Makes Kishu Inu Unique?The Kishu Inu ecosystem consists of five core elements: the KISHU token, Kishu Swap, Kishu Crate, Kishu Paw Print, and Kishu Swag.Kishu Swap is a decentralized exchange (DEX) for swapping ERC-20 tokens with customizable functionality. Kishu Swap is powered by Uniswap, one of the largest and most secure DEX platforms by global standards.Kishu Crate is the NFT marketplace of the Kishu Inu community where users can stake KISHU tokens in exchange for exclusive rewards and unique digital items. Collectibles themselves are part of the Kishu Inu community and are awarded out of the staking pool. Artists can participate in regular contests on the platform, where the community votes and selects artwork for Kishu Crate.Kishu Paw Print is an app for keeping track of KISHU token statistics. Indicators include: prizes and rewards related to KISHU, current token valuations, total wallet balance, price charts, and so on.Kishu Swag is a merchandise store that is operated by a transparent non-profit organization that has no owners or shareholders. Sales and proceeds directly support the project, and are used to develop the Kishu Inu platform & community.Related Pages:Read about Dogecoin (DOGE) and SHIBA INU (SHIB).How to mine Dogecoin? Find out with CMC Alexandria - our educational section.What is ERC-20? Brush up on crypto vocabulary here.What is Kishu Inu (KISHU): features, tokenomics, and price prediction by CoinMarketCap.The latest data about Ethereum (ETH).How Many Kishu Inu (KISHU) Coins Are There in Circulation?$KISHU is an ERC-20 standard utility token for the Kishu Inu platform with the maximum supply of 100 quadrillion coins, and a key feature of a decentralized usage rewards mechanism.Kishu Inu has a built-in redistribution mechanism that sends 2% of every transaction to KISHU holders, which contributes to community usage and a healthy allocation network. Thus, the more active the community, the more rewards token owners receive. Moreover, according to the developers, Kishu Inu provides risk-free passive profit to users, which can be obtained without trading.Therefore, advantages of the KISHU token:KISHU can be transferred across international borders through an inter-wallet transfer, which charges much lower transaction fees than traditional banking.KISHU owners can add coin earnings to their online wallet by staking KISHU, which ensures a profit without trading.KISHU holders can provide loans to other users on the network, receiving interest after the debt is repaid.With KISHU, all transactions (trading, clearing, transfer) are completed in just a few minutes.How Is the Kishu Inu Network Secured?Kishu Inu (KISHU) is an ERC-20 token that operates on the Ethereum blockchain.On top of that, Kishu Inu is a completely decentralized community-driven project. One of the leading specialized teams, CertiK, is responsible for the security audit of the $KISHU token smart contract. The project has successfully passed validation checks to build community trust and provide full transparency. Additionally, Kishu Inu's LP (Liquidity Pool) tokens have been burnt. A combination of these measures means virtually the lowest risk for users and the community at large.Where Can You Buy Kishu Inu (KISHU)?As of December 2021, Kishu Inu (KISHU) is traded on cryptocurrency exchanges such as Uniswap (V2),, Poloniex, OKEx, MEXC, LBank, Bitrue, KickEX, ShibaSwap, Hotbit, AEX, CoinTiger, BitMart, BitForex, LATOKEN, BigONE, Decoin, and ZT.Want to keep track of KISHU, DOGE or SHIB prices live? Download the CMC mobile app.Stay up to date with the latest news and boost your knowledge of crypto with our blog.Click here and learn more about the dog-related meme-coin craze.          Kishu Inu分析加载中…Popular Tokens on the Ethereum ChainEthereumETH¥28,259.890.33%Shiba InuSHIB¥0.00024744.02%ChainlinkLINK¥143.740.28%UniswapUNI¥103.213.64%UNUS SED LEOLEO¥40.584.56%RallyRLY¥0.11862.36%Hifi FinanceHIFI¥5.692.99%MetadiumMETA¥0.42040.94%PolkastarterPOLS¥7.081.31%Impossible Finance LaunchpadIDIA¥1.073.16%Aleph.imALEPH¥2.8314.23%LyraLYRA¥1.111.08%5ire5IRE¥1.480.26%Uquid CoinUQC¥70.810.73%RenREN¥0.68891.39%CHARTAICX¥0.082225.86%MOROS NETMOROS¥0.0727156.00%Virtual ProtocolVIRTUAL¥0.70756.55%MetaZeroMZERO¥1.313.16%OX CoinOX¥0.10572.29%最常浏览的加密货币CatgirlCATGIRL¥0.00000000771751.67%TABOO TOKENTABOO¥0.0208525.37%EggdogEGG¥0.0630811.30%RichQUACK.comQUACK¥0.0000000092452.55%OpSecOPSEC¥14.1111.97%MAGATRUMP¥57.5313.04%Osaka ProtocolOSAK¥0.00000263614.60%Baby ElonBABYELON¥0.000000000134625.47%L7LSD¥53.425.30%Niza GlobalNIZA¥0.0755213.87%Pepe 2.0PEPE2.0¥0.00000052133.79%MinuMINU¥0.0000054536.14%Script NetworkSCPT¥0.288110.26%beobleBBL¥1.6912.97%BitcoinBTC¥496,127.590.41%Bonk 2.0BONK2.0¥0.00000044432.42%ArtyfactARTY¥12.950.60%Shiba InuSHIB¥0.00023626.48%ATOR ProtocolATOR¥19.4519.47%EthereumETH¥27,956.791.41%全球 价格KISHU/USDUnited States Dollar$0.0000000008971KISHU/CNYChinese Yuan¥0.000000006446大家还在看GoldMint$0.063260.45%Band Protocol$2.552.60%Uniswap$13.714.29%Firo$2.054.57%Chainlink$19.62.79%Oasis Network$0.17362.22%Blocknet$$9,947.513.93%Solar$0.48454.39%MahaDAO$1.631.73%热门Pepe$0.0000083329.21%Childrens Aid Foundation$0.408221.40%FLOKI$0.000223213.17%Digiverse$1.1438.92%Shiba Inu$0.000032886.06%Kishu Inu实时行情Kishu Inu 今日价格 为 ¥6.45e-9 CNY,其 24 小时的交易量为 ¥40,562,997 CNY。 我们会实时更新KISHU兑换为CNY的价格。 Kishu Inu 在过去 24 小时内下跌了 10.20。 目前的 CoinMarketCap 排名为第 #510 位,其市值为 ¥600,473,561 CNY。 其流通供给量为 93,148,196,810,651,100 KISHU 个货币 此外,供给量上限为100,000,000,000,000,000 KISHU 个货币。目前 Kishu Inu 交易量最大的平台为 OKX, XT.COM, BitMart,, 和 。 您可以在我们的 查找其他上市资产。加密货币代币Kishu Inu产品CMC LabsChatGPT PluginCrypto API加密货币指数网站涂鸦站点地图广告公司关于我们服务协议隐私政策Cookie preferencesCookie 政策社区规则免责声明方法论加入我们招聘中!支持申请表联系我们常见问题解答词汇表社交媒体X (Twitter)社区TelegramInstagramFacebookRedditTelegram© 2024 CoinMarketCap. 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Kishu Inu price today, KISHU to USD live price, marketcap and chart | CoinMarketCap

u Inu price today, KISHU to USD live price, marketcap and chart | CoinMarketCapCryptos: 2.2M+Exchanges: 723Market Cap: $2.6T0.10%24h Vol: $102.24B27.46%Dominance: BTC: 52.1% ETH: 17.9% ETH Gas: 76 Gwei Fear & Greed: 89/100CryptocurrenciesCryptocurrenciesRankingCategoriesGlobal ChartsHistorical SnapshotsBitcoin ETFsLeaderboardsTrendingRecently AddedGainers & LosersMost VisitedNFTOverall NFT StatsTop CollectionsUpcoming SalesOn Chain DataDex PairsChain RankingHot DEX PairsExchangesSpotDerivativesDEXCommunityFeedsTopicsLivesArticlesProductsPRODUCTSConverterCMC LabsTelegram BotAdvertiseCrypto APISite WidgetsCAMPAIGNSAirdropsDiamond RewardsLearn & EarnCALENDARSICO CalendarEvents CalendarLearnNewsAcademyResearchVideosGlossaryHalving: 37DWatchlistPortfolioSearch/Kishu Inu price KISHU$0.0...08971  10.20% (1d)Kishu Inu to USD ChartLoading DataPlease wait a moment. Add to watchlist Kishu Inu statisticsMarket cap 10.20%$83,565,075#510Volume (24h) 40.24%$5,644,961#639Volume/Market cap (24h) 6.76%Circulating supply 93,148,196,810,651,100 KISHU93.15%Total supply 96,709,398,982,261,550 KISHUMax. supply 100,000,000,000,000,000 KISHUFully diluted market cap $89,711,962ContractsEthereum: 0xA2b4...25817D Official linksWebsiteWhitepaperGitHubSocialsTwitterRedditFacebookDiscordTelegramAudits  CertiKNetwork informationChain explorersSupported walletsUCID9386  KISHU to USD ConverterKISHUUSDPrice performance24h Low$0.0...08969High$0.0...01035All-time highMay 14, 2021 (3 years ago)$0.00000002-95.51%All-time lowMay 08, 2021 (3 years ago) No DataSee historical dataPopularityIn watchlists195,558x291st / 9.0KTagsMemesDoggone DoggerelMore informationDo you own this project? Update Token Info Loading DataPlease wait a moment. Kishu Inu community          Kishu Inu marketsALLCEXDEXSpotPerpetualFuturesAll pairsLoading data...Show full widthDisclaimer: This page may contain affiliate links. CoinMarketCap may be compensated if you visit any affiliate links and you take certain actions such as signing up and transacting with these affiliate platforms. Please refer to Affiliate DisclosureKishu Inu news                    About Kishu InuWhat Is Kishu Inu (KISHU)?Kishu Inu (KISHU) is a dog-based meme cryptocurrency that has selected the ‘Kishu’ dog breed as its mascot for its brand. The creators of KISHU do not hide that they were inspired by Dogecoin (DOGE), which was launched in 2013 and has since gained worldwide success and popularity.The mission of Kishu Inu is to take meme coins to another level. The team aims to turn the project into something more than just a meme or a joke, and most importantly, to empower the KISHU token with the qualities of a real long-standing currency. The main competitive difference from comparable coins is that Kishu Inu is completely community-owned: the developers do not reserve tokens for the team, but rely on donations.Kishu Inu is a decentralized transactional network with a community focus, meaning that all decisions are made by the community. The project aims to bring certain next-generation concepts into the mainstream like non-fungible tokens, decentralized finance and participation rewards.The dog-themed token was launched on April 17, 2021. Supporters of the digital asset and crypto enthusiasts have already named Kishu as Doge's older brother. Interest in the currency was also fueled by a series of billboards promoting the coin in New York’s Times Square.Who Are the Founders of Kishu Inu?Kishu Inu (KISHU) was launched in spring 2021 by an anonymous development team with a sincere interest in meme coins like Dogecoin (DOGE) in particular. However, especially attentive followers can get more information and hints on Twitter. Their official channel is @InuKishu.What Makes Kishu Inu Unique?The Kishu Inu ecosystem consists of five core elements: the KISHU token, Kishu Swap, Kishu Crate, Kishu Paw Print, and Kishu Swag.Kishu Swap is a decentralized exchange (DEX) for swapping ERC-20 tokens with customizable functionality. Kishu Swap is powered by Uniswap, one of the largest and most secure DEX platforms by global standards.Kishu Crate is the NFT marketplace of the Kishu Inu community where users can stake KISHU tokens in exchange for exclusive rewards and unique digital items. Collectibles themselves are part of the Kishu Inu community and are awarded out of the staking pool. Artists can participate in regular contests on the platform, where the community votes and selects artwork for Kishu Crate.Kishu Paw Print is an app for keeping track of KISHU token statistics. Indicators include: prizes and rewards related to KISHU, current token valuations, total wallet balance, price charts, and so on.Kishu Swag is a merchandise store that is operated by a transparent non-profit organization that has no owners or shareholders. Sales and proceeds directly support the project, and are used to develop the Kishu Inu platform & community.Related Pages:Read about Dogecoin (DOGE) and SHIBA INU (SHIB).How to mine Dogecoin? Find out with CMC Alexandria - our educational section.What is ERC-20? Brush up on crypto vocabulary here.What is Kishu Inu (KISHU): features, tokenomics, and price prediction by CoinMarketCap.The latest data about Ethereum (ETH).How Many Kishu Inu (KISHU) Coins Are There in Circulation?$KISHU is an ERC-20 standard utility token for the Kishu Inu platform with the maximum supply of 100 quadrillion coins, and a key feature of a decentralized usage rewards mechanism.Kishu Inu has a built-in redistribution mechanism that sends 2% of every transaction to KISHU holders, which contributes to community usage and a healthy allocation network. Thus, the more active the community, the more rewards token owners receive. Moreover, according to the developers, Kishu Inu provides risk-free passive profit to users, which can be obtained without trading.Therefore, advantages of the KISHU token:KISHU can be transferred across international borders through an inter-wallet transfer, which charges much lower transaction fees than traditional banking.KISHU owners can add coin earnings to their online wallet by staking KISHU, which ensures a profit without trading.KISHU holders can provide loans to other users on the network, receiving interest after the debt is repaid.With KISHU, all transactions (trading, clearing, transfer) are completed in just a few minutes.How Is the Kishu Inu Network Secured?Kishu Inu (KISHU) is an ERC-20 token that operates on the Ethereum blockchain.On top of that, Kishu Inu is a completely decentralized community-driven project. One of the leading specialized teams, CertiK, is responsible for the security audit of the $KISHU token smart contract. The project has successfully passed validation checks to build community trust and provide full transparency. Additionally, Kishu Inu's LP (Liquidity Pool) tokens have been burnt. A combination of these measures means virtually the lowest risk for users and the community at large.Where Can You Buy Kishu Inu (KISHU)?As of December 2021, Kishu Inu (KISHU) is traded on cryptocurrency exchanges such as Uniswap (V2),, Poloniex, OKEx, MEXC, LBank, Bitrue, KickEX, ShibaSwap, Hotbit, AEX, CoinTiger, BitMart, BitForex, LATOKEN, BigONE, Decoin, and ZT.Want to keep track of KISHU, DOGE or SHIB prices live? Download the CMC mobile app.Stay up to date with the latest news and boost your knowledge of crypto with our blog.Click here and learn more about the dog-related meme-coin craze.          Kishu Inu analyticsLoading...Popular Tokens on the Ethereum ChainEthereumETH$3,932.800.12%Shiba InuSHIB$0.000034433.59%ChainlinkLINK$20.000.73%UniswapUNI$14.363.21%UNUS SED LEOLEO$5.654.13%RallyRLY$0.01651.92%Hifi FinanceHIFI$0.79192.55%MetadiumMETA$0.05850.50%PolkastarterPOLS$0.98570.87%Impossible Finance LaunchpadIDIA$0.14873.62%Aleph.imALEPH$0.393614.74%LyraLYRA$0.15481.53%5ire5IRE$0.20650.71%Uquid CoinUQC$9.851.18%RenREN$0.095871.84%CHARTAICX$0.011445.43%MOROS NETMOROS$0.0101256.70%Virtual ProtocolVIRTUAL$0.098467.03%MetaZeroMZERO$0.18263.62%OX CoinOX$0.014711.85%Most Visited CryptocurrenciesCatgirlCATGIRL$0.00000000107151.57%TABOO TOKENTABOO$0.00289325.59%EggdogEGG$0.00863112.27%RichQUACK.comQUACK$0.0000000013568.29%OpSecOPSEC$1.9519.54%MAGATRUMP$8.0412.47%Osaka ProtocolOSAK$0.000000364914.67%Baby ElonBABYELON$0.0000000000185123.16%L7LSD$7.444.87%Niza GlobalNIZA$0.0104813.64%Pepe 2.0PEPE2.0$0.00000007224.89%MinuMINU$0.00000074681.23%Script NetworkSCPT$0.0401310.63%beobleBBL$0.234912.22%BitcoinBTC$69,151.061.22%Bonk 2.0BONK2.0$0.0000000628323.99%ArtyfactARTY$1.800.80%Shiba InuSHIB$0.000032726.48%ATOR ProtocolATOR$2.6719.50%EthereumETH$3,890.980.88%Global PricesKISHU/USDUnited States Dollar$0.0000000008971KISHU/EUREuro€0.0000000008198KISHU/GBPPound Sterling£0.0000000006977KISHU/CNYChinese Yuan¥0.000000006446KISHU/CADCanadian Dollar$0.000000001214KISHU/AUDAustralian Dollar$0.00000000135KISHU/JPYJapanese Yen¥0.0000001319KISHU/KRWSouth Korean Won₩0.000001181KISHU/RUBRussian Ruble₽0.00000008159KISHU/INRIndian Rupee₹0.00000007424KISHU/BRLBrazilian RealR$0.000000004468KISHU/TRYTurkish Lira₺0.00000002857KISHU/PHPPhilippine Peso₱0.00000004981People also watchGoldMint$0.063260.45%Band Protocol$2.552.60%Uniswap$13.714.29%Firo$2.054.57%Chainlink$19.62.79%Oasis Network$0.17362.22%Blocknet$$9,947.513.93%Solar$0.48454.39%MahaDAO$1.631.73%TrendingPepe$0.0000083329.21%Childrens Aid Foundation$0.408221.40%FLOKI$0.000223213.17%Digiverse$1.1438.92%Shiba Inu$0.000032886.06%Kishu Inu Price Live DataThe live Kishu Inu price today is $8.97e-10 USD with a 24-hour trading volume of $5,644,961 USD. We update our KISHU to USD price in real-time. Kishu Inu is down 10.20% in the last 24 hours. The current CoinMarketCap ranking is #510, with a live market cap of $83,565,075 USD. It has a circulating supply of 93,148,196,810,651,100 KISHU coins and a max. supply of 100,000,000,000,000,000 KISHU coins.If you would like to know where to buy Kishu Inu at the current rate, the top cryptocurrency exchanges for trading in Kishu Inu stock are currently OKX, XT.COM, BitMart,, and MEXC. You can find others listed on our crypto exchanges page.CryptocurrenciesTokensKishu InuProductsCMC LabsChatGPT PluginCrypto APICrypto IndicesDoodlesSitemapAdvertiseCompanyAbout usTerms of usePrivacy PolicyCookie preferencesCookie policyCommunity RulesDisclaimerMethodologyCareersWe’re hiring!SupportRequest FormContact SupportFAQGlossarySocialsX (Twitter)CommunityTelegramInstagramFacebookRedditLinkedIn© 2024 CoinMarketCap. All rights reserved

如何看待现在低谷的kishu币? - 知乎

如何看待现在低谷的kishu币? - 知乎首页知乎知学堂发现等你来答​切换模式登录/注册KISHUKishu Inu如何看待现在低谷的kishu币?会归零吗,销毁地址里面的币项目组会销毁吗?对它的未来如何看待,目前入手了5000亿,截止29号凌晨一点半已亏损50%显示全部 ​关注者23被浏览44,057关注问题​写回答​邀请回答​好问题 7​添加评论​分享​6 个回答默认排序权志龙plus币圈两轮周期经历者,A股价值投资者,5年要赚100万美金​ 关注很明显这又是资本家割新鲜韭菜的一个币种没有任何意义的货币完全是蹭doge的热度搞个相似的图标就想再捞一笔韭菜不过,买个十亿百亿的也没关系一共就几百美刀,万一真正涨了你也参与了没涨,你也不咋亏买呗,反正我不看好归零的可能性很大不对,基本就是0你看它0.000000008啥的,基本不就是0吗而且,按现在看来,马斯克也不会带货这种杂币种很明显,今天又割了一波新鲜的韭菜最高点涨了将近百分之五十结果后来又砸下来了很多韭菜自己没买,然后比特币这两个月涨飞了,所以带动垃圾币动物园涨飞了,所以真很正常 无语再回复以下奥,五六月份那个时候是啥的九个零后面一个⑧,然后八九月份一直是九个零后面一个③,最近比特币涨到6万8,变成九个零后面一个①③,等于说你如果八月份买,就是四倍,再早一点买,差不多只是涨50%有个别杠精啥也不懂在评论区里头杠,我把今天圣诞节的价格发跟你们看看奥,1000KISHU价格为0.0000168=1000KISHU,1KISHU=0.0000000168 2021.12.25号的价格而我五月份的文章,1KISHU=0.000000008同时去掉八个零,第一个为1.68,第二个为0.8,翻了一倍左右罢了编辑于 2021-12-25 10:43​赞同 10​​12 条评论​分享​收藏​喜欢收起​知乎用户短期不会归零,后续是概率问题,没特异功能,看不了那么远。销毁目前是手动销毁,还是有进行的。未来可期。编辑于 2021-05-29 22:39​赞同 4​​4 条评论​分享​收藏​喜欢

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KISHU - 知乎

KISHU - 知乎首页知乎知学堂发现等你来答​切换模式登录/注册KISHU暂无话题描述关注话题​管理​分享​讨论精华视频等待回答​切换为时间排序如何看待现在低谷的kishu币?不必在乎我是谁个人投资者,偏好大学生创业短期不会归零,后续是概率问题,没特异功能,看不了那么远。 销毁目前是手动销毁,还是有进行的。 未来可期。阅读全文​​赞同 4​​4 条评论​分享​收藏​喜欢kishu币,shib币叫醒服务叫醒者奖励1万块!!!乙水人不可在最年轻的时候默默无闻kishu币,shib币叫醒服务叫醒者奖励1万块!!! shib 到达 0.01记得喊我!! kishu到达 0.0001 记得喊我!! [图片] [图片]阅读全文​​赞同 6​​18 条评论​分享​收藏KISHU知乎用户6MX78lKISHU于2021年4月17日推出,并迅速成为2021年增长最快的加密币之一。KISHU是完全去中心化的,所有的决定都由社区作出。每笔交易的2%都会用来奖励所有的持币用户。每天钱包地址数量都会增加这是最吸引人的机制。 持仓地址持续增加67000+。 交易行情 官网 [图片] 合约地址(滑点设高百分之5才能成功)0xA2b4C0Af19cC16a6CfAcCe81F192B024d625817D阅读全文​​赞同 21​​38 条评论​分享​收藏比特币每日播报,狗狗概念币一月涨幅超10倍老杨测评鉴货微信公众号,老杨羊肉汤比特币每日播报,狗狗概念币一月涨幅超10倍阅读全文​​赞同​​添加评论​分享​收藏​喜欢​ 举报如何看待现在低谷的kishu币?悦刻专卖店不要急,现在在洗盘,大资本砸盘割韭菜,买进筑底,等割的差不多了,就开始拉起来了,25万个持币地址哪,要死也是一起死,怕个球,我买了2.2万亿个。抱着扔了的心去等阅读全文​​赞同​​4 条评论​分享​收藏​喜欢如何看待现在低谷的kishu币?Adboost归零币,抄袭feg币,结果发现不会改代码,燃烧机制根本无法执行。短短一个月,其他币割韭菜用镰刀,这个用联合收割机,收割完之后还用犁车把根刨了阅读全文​​赞同 1​​3 条评论​分享​收藏​喜欢浏览量103 万讨论量1143  帮助中心知乎隐私保护指引申请开通机构号联系我们 举报中心涉未成年举报网络谣言举报涉企虚假举报更多 关于知乎下载知乎知乎招聘知乎指南知乎协议更多京 ICP 证 110745 号 · 京 ICP 备 13052560 号 - 1 · 京公网安备 11010802020088 号 · 京网文[2022]2674-081 号 · 药品医疗器械网络信息服务备案(京)网药械信息备字(2022)第00334号 · 广播电视节目制作经营许可证:(京)字第06591号 · 服务热线:400-919-0001 · Investor Relations · © 2024 知乎 北京智者天下科技有限公司版权所有 · 违法和不良信息举报:010-82716601 · 举报邮箱:jubao@zhihu.

Kishu Inu l Community-focused Decentralized Cryptocurrency & Exchange

Kishu Inu l Community-focused Decentralized Cryptocurrency & Exchange



Kishu Swap

Paw PrintKishu Swag



price chart





Why Kishu?

Smart Contract

Security Audit



Little meme.

Big dream.

Kishu Inu ($KISHU) is a community-focused, decentralized cryptocurrency with instant rewards thanks to active users!






Why Kishu?




For every active user transaction a 2% KISHU reward is granted to holders' decentralized wallets only, fostering a healthy distributed network and community usage. The more KISHU is actively used,

the more rewards are granted!



KISHU is fully decentralized and owned by its fun, vibrant community. Our enthusiast volunteers welcome and embrace diverse perspectives to build KISHU into the best community in crypto.

Join our Telegram community

Secure & Safe

The $KISHU smart contract has been fully audited by a top specialized team and its LP (Liquidity Pool) tokens have been burnt. That means next to zero risk to our users and community from potential bad


See our security audit


Recent Stories

October 17, 2021

Weekly Recap Oct 10 — Oct 17

Hi, Kishu community, The market has been bullish lately, and all the hard work, and persistence of the project throughout the last couple of months, have been reflected adequately in the charts.

Read More

October 10, 2021

Weekly recap Oct 3 — Oct 10

Hi, Kishu community, Lots has been happening from when we last spoke. We have been working around the clock to make new partnerships, marketing endeavors, and utilities happen for Kishu and Tenshi.

Read More

October 3, 2021

Weekly Recap Sep 26 — Oct 3

To start off this week’s update — markets have started to show signs of meme season coming back — meaning we have started preparing whatever is needed for our master plan to be executed when meme season returns in full blast.

Read More

How to get $KISHU





Create a MetaMask Wallet

$KISHU token is available on the Ethereum blockchain. MetaMask is a third party ERC20 (Ethereum) browser wallet, and the very best at that! On Google Chrome, visit to download the extension and set up a wallet. On mobile? Get MetaMask's app for

iPhone or Android.


Send $ETH to MetaMask

Acquire Ethereum through MetaMask itself or transfer it to your MetaMask wallet address from another wallet (e.g. Coinbase or Binance).


Visit KISHU Swap

You can currently swap ETH and other tokens for $KISHU on KISHU Swap, KISHU's official decentralized exchange! KISHU Swap

supports any ERC20 token.


Swap $ETH for $KISHU

Enter the amount of $ETH you would like to swap for $KISHU. Click Connect Wallet then Swap


Kishu partners

Where to

get $KISHU

The $KISHU token is currently available on 20+ different exchanges. We continuously look for new partners to join us in offering you new ways to acquire $KISHU.


Tokenomics & Stats



2% Usage Reward

Thanks to user transactions (DeFi wallets only!)

100 Quadrillion








Price Chart



Kishu Swap

KISHU Swap is the official decentralized exchange (DEX) of our community. It gives holders the ability to swap independently among each other any ERC20 token for

another one.

It is powered by Uniswap, the safest and most trusted DEX in the world. Furthermore, it acts as the foundation upon which many of KISHU's ongoing community development efforts will build additional features

and functionality exclusive to KISHU holders.




KISHU launched on April 17, 2021 and quickly became one of the most popular cryptocurrencies of 2021. This Moonmap is a breathing document that lays out key milestones the community aims to hit to continue rapid and

decentralized development and moonlike features!




1,000 Holders

Website Launch

CoinGecko Listing

2,000 Telegram Members

Community Marketing Fund

Marketing Campaign

CoinMarketCap Listing

5,000 Holders




5,000 Telegram Members

Website Redesign

10,000 Holders

10,000 Telegram Members

20,000 Holders




KISHU Swap (Decentralize Exchange)

Initial CEX Listings (Hotbit, Bilaxy, CoinTiger)

15,000 Telegram Members

30,000 Holders




100,000 Holders

KISHU Crate (NFT Marketplace)

KISHU Paw Print (Wallet Tracker)

KISHU sWag (Merchandise Store)

More CEX Listings

50,000 Telegram Members

Influencer Awareness Partnerships


Frequently Asked Questions

What does Kishu aim to achieve?

As stated in our Whitepaper; Kishu aims to bring popular cryptocurrency concepts to the mainstream with ease.

That being said, we aim for Kishu to be turned into a global brand which will have as many real world use cases as possible through partnering up with the biggest companies in various industries,

while also helping those in need through charities.

How does the Kishu reward system work? Where do I get the rewards?

For every active user's transaction a 2% $KISHU reward is granted to holders’ decentralized wallets only, fostering a healthy distributed network and community usage.

The more $KISHU is actively used, the more rewards are granted!

What is "burning" and why does it matter? Does Kishu burn automatically?

Token burning is the process of permanently removing a portion of tokens from circulation, reducing the total supply.

We have made the burn wallet (0x000000000000000000000000000000000000dEaD) into one of the biggest holders through buy-backs and manually burning most of the founders tokens. Taking into

consideration how the reward system works; the more Kishu a wallet holds, the more rewards will be granted; in this case, the more $KISHU in the burn wallet, the more Kishu will be burned



Feel like


As a community-powered project, KISHU runs thanks to its amazing volunteers and generous donors. If you would like to pitch in, use the official ERC20 donation wallet here:




Any ERC20 token



View on etherscan

Copyright © 2021, Kishu Inu

Kishu Inu (KISHU) 價格、圖表、市值及其他指標 | CoinMarketCap

u Inu (KISHU) 價格、圖表、市值及其他指標 | CoinMarketCap加密貨幣: 2.2M+交易所: 723市值: $2.62T0.46%24小時交易量: $101.61B28.16%市佔率: 比特幣: 52.1% 以太幣: 17.9% ETH Gas: 66 Gwei Fear & Greed: 89/100加密貨幣加密貨幣排行類目全球走勢圖歷史記錄Bitcoin ETFsLeaderboards熱門近期新增贏家與輸家最多造訪NFTNFT 整體統計數字熱門收藏系列即將推出的銷售活動On Chain DataDEX 交易對Chain Ranking熱門 DEX 交易對交易所現貨衍生品DEX社群動態TopicsLives文章產品PRODUCTS匯率換算CMC LabsTelegram Bot廣告加密貨幣應用程式接口(API)網頁套件CAMPAIGNSAirdrops鑽石獎勵深入了解並賺取獎勵CALENDARSICO 行事曆活動行事曆學習新聞AcademyResearch影片詞彙庫減半:37 天後關注列表投資組合搜索/Kishu Inu 價格 KISHUNT$0.0...02819  10.20% (1天)圖表:Kishu Inu 到 TWD下載數據中...請稍候,我們正在載入圖表資料 新增至關注列表 Kishu Inu 統計市值 10.20%NT$2,626,032,488#510交易量(24小時) 40.24%NT$177,392,901#639交易量/市值 (24 小時) 6.76%流通供給量 93,148,196,810,651,100 KISHU93.15%總供給量 96,709,398,982,261,550 KISHU最大供給量 100,000,000,000,000,000 KISHU完全稀釋後市值 NT$2,819,198,414合約地址Ethereum: 0xA2b4...25817D 官方連結網站白皮書GitHub社群TwitterRedditFacebookDiscordTelegramAudits  CertiK網路資訊區塊鏈瀏覽器支援的錢包UCID9386  轉換器:KISHU 到 TWDKISHUTWD價格表現24小時 最低價NT$0.0...02818最高價NT$0.0...03252歷史高點May 14, 2021 (3 years ago)NT$0.0...06285-95.51%歷史低點May 08, 2021 (3 years ago) 無數據檢視過往資料人氣在觀察名單內195,558x291st / 9.0K標籤MemesDoggone Doggerel進一步資訊你是這個專案的擁有者嗎? 更新代幣資訊 下載數據中...請稍候,我們正在載入圖表資料 Kishu Inu community          Kishu Inu markets全部CEXDEX現貨永續合約期貨所有交易對下載中...Show full width免責聲明:本頁可能內含聯盟行銷連結。如果你前往造訪這類連結,並且在這些聯盟行銷平台上進行如註冊或交易等動作,CoinMarketCap 將可能獲得報酬。請參閱聯盟行銷關係揭露。Kishu Inu 則新聞                    關於Kishu InuWhat Is Kishu Inu (KISHU)?Kishu Inu (KISHU) is a dog-based meme cryptocurrency that has selected the ‘Kishu’ dog breed as its mascot for its brand. The creators of KISHU do not hide that they were inspired by Dogecoin (DOGE), which was launched in 2013 and has since gained worldwide success and popularity.The mission of Kishu Inu is to take meme coins to another level. The team aims to turn the project into something more than just a meme or a joke, and most importantly, to empower the KISHU token with the qualities of a real long-standing currency. The main competitive difference from comparable coins is that Kishu Inu is completely community-owned: the developers do not reserve tokens for the team, but rely on donations.Kishu Inu is a decentralized transactional network with a community focus, meaning that all decisions are made by the community. The project aims to bring certain next-generation concepts into the mainstream like non-fungible tokens, decentralized finance and participation rewards.The dog-themed token was launched on April 17, 2021. Supporters of the digital asset and crypto enthusiasts have already named Kishu as Doge's older brother. Interest in the currency was also fueled by a series of billboards promoting the coin in New York’s Times Square.Who Are the Founders of Kishu Inu?Kishu Inu (KISHU) was launched in spring 2021 by an anonymous development team with a sincere interest in meme coins like Dogecoin (DOGE) in particular. However, especially attentive followers can get more information and hints on Twitter. Their official channel is @InuKishu.What Makes Kishu Inu Unique?The Kishu Inu ecosystem consists of five core elements: the KISHU token, Kishu Swap, Kishu Crate, Kishu Paw Print, and Kishu Swag.Kishu Swap is a decentralized exchange (DEX) for swapping ERC-20 tokens with customizable functionality. Kishu Swap is powered by Uniswap, one of the largest and most secure DEX platforms by global standards.Kishu Crate is the NFT marketplace of the Kishu Inu community where users can stake KISHU tokens in exchange for exclusive rewards and unique digital items. Collectibles themselves are part of the Kishu Inu community and are awarded out of the staking pool. Artists can participate in regular contests on the platform, where the community votes and selects artwork for Kishu Crate.Kishu Paw Print is an app for keeping track of KISHU token statistics. Indicators include: prizes and rewards related to KISHU, current token valuations, total wallet balance, price charts, and so on.Kishu Swag is a merchandise store that is operated by a transparent non-profit organization that has no owners or shareholders. Sales and proceeds directly support the project, and are used to develop the Kishu Inu platform & community.Related Pages:Read about Dogecoin (DOGE) and SHIBA INU (SHIB).How to mine Dogecoin? Find out with CMC Alexandria - our educational section.What is ERC-20? Brush up on crypto vocabulary here.What is Kishu Inu (KISHU): features, tokenomics, and price prediction by CoinMarketCap.The latest data about Ethereum (ETH).How Many Kishu Inu (KISHU) Coins Are There in Circulation?$KISHU is an ERC-20 standard utility token for the Kishu Inu platform with the maximum supply of 100 quadrillion coins, and a key feature of a decentralized usage rewards mechanism.Kishu Inu has a built-in redistribution mechanism that sends 2% of every transaction to KISHU holders, which contributes to community usage and a healthy allocation network. Thus, the more active the community, the more rewards token owners receive. Moreover, according to the developers, Kishu Inu provides risk-free passive profit to users, which can be obtained without trading.Therefore, advantages of the KISHU token:KISHU can be transferred across international borders through an inter-wallet transfer, which charges much lower transaction fees than traditional banking.KISHU owners can add coin earnings to their online wallet by staking KISHU, which ensures a profit without trading.KISHU holders can provide loans to other users on the network, receiving interest after the debt is repaid.With KISHU, all transactions (trading, clearing, transfer) are completed in just a few minutes.How Is the Kishu Inu Network Secured?Kishu Inu (KISHU) is an ERC-20 token that operates on the Ethereum blockchain.On top of that, Kishu Inu is a completely decentralized community-driven project. One of the leading specialized teams, CertiK, is responsible for the security audit of the $KISHU token smart contract. The project has successfully passed validation checks to build community trust and provide full transparency. Additionally, Kishu Inu's LP (Liquidity Pool) tokens have been burnt. A combination of these measures means virtually the lowest risk for users and the community at large.Where Can You Buy Kishu Inu (KISHU)?As of December 2021, Kishu Inu (KISHU) is traded on cryptocurrency exchanges such as Uniswap (V2),, Poloniex, OKEx, MEXC, LBank, Bitrue, KickEX, ShibaSwap, Hotbit, AEX, CoinTiger, BitMart, BitForex, LATOKEN, BigONE, Decoin, and ZT.Want to keep track of KISHU, DOGE or SHIB prices live? Download the CMC mobile app.Stay up to date with the latest news and boost your knowledge of crypto with our blog.Click here and learn more about the dog-related meme-coin craze.          Kishu Inu 分析加載中...Popular Tokens on the Ethereum ChainEthereumETHNT$123,588.090.06%Shiba InuSHIBNT$0.0010823.65%ChainlinkLINKNT$628.590.67%UniswapUNINT$451.353.26%UNUS SED LEOLEONT$177.494.18%RallyRLYNT$0.51861.98%Hifi FinanceHIFINT$24.892.61%MetadiumMETANT$1.840.55%PolkastarterPOLSNT$30.980.92%Impossible Finance LaunchpadIDIANT$4.673.56%Aleph.imALEPHNT$12.3714.67%LyraLYRANT$4.861.47%5ire5IRENT$6.490.65%Uquid CoinUQCNT$309.681.12%RenRENNT$3.011.79%CHARTAICXNT$0.35965.49%MOROS NETMOROSNT$0.31856.61%Virtual ProtocolVIRTUALNT$3.096.97%MetaZeroMZERONT$5.743.56%OX CoinOXNT$0.46231.91%最常造訪加密貨幣CatgirlCATGIRLNT$0.0000000337552.26%TABOO TOKENTABOONT$0.091225.86%EggdogEGGNT$0.275910.96%RichQUACK.comQUACKNT$0.000000040432.95%OpSecOPSECNT$61.6912.40%MAGATRUMPNT$251.5812.70%Osaka ProtocolOSAKNT$0.0000115314.26%Baby ElonBABYELONNT$0.000000000588825.96%L7LSDNT$233.604.93%Niza GlobalNIZANT$0.330313.53%Pepe 2.0PEPE2.0NT$0.000002283.42%MinuMINUNT$0.000023856.56%Script NetworkSCPTNT$1.2610.69%beobleBBLNT$7.3912.63%BitcoinBTCNT$2,169,699.470.80%Bonk 2.0BONK2.0NT$0.00000194232.16%ArtyfactARTYNT$56.630.99%Shiba InuSHIBNT$0.0010336.11%ATOR ProtocolATORNT$85.0619.93%EthereumETHNT$122,262.551.03%全球 價格KISHU/USDUnited States Dollar$0.0000000008971KISHU/TWDNew Taiwan DollarNT$0.00000002819大家都在看GoldMint$0.063260.45%Band Protocol$2.552.60%Uniswap$13.714.29%Firo$2.054.57%Chainlink$19.62.79%Oasis Network$0.17362.22%Blocknet$$9,947.513.93%Solar$0.48454.39%MahaDAO$1.631.73%熱門Pepe$0.0000083329.21%Childrens Aid Foundation$0.408221.40%FLOKI$0.000223213.17%Digiverse$1.1438.92%Shiba Inu$0.000032886.06%Kishu Inu 即時價格資訊Kishu Inu 今日價格 為 NT$2.82e-8 TWD ,24 小時交易量為 NT$177,392,901 TWD 。 KISHU 到 TWD 價格為即時更新。 Kishu Inu 在過去 24 小時內下跌了 10.20 。 目前在 CoinMarketCap 的排名為 #510,市值為 NT$2,626,032,488 TWD 。 流通供給量為 93,148,196,810,651,100 KISHU 單位 與最大流通供給量為100,000,000,000,000,000 KISHU 單位。交易 Kishu Inu 的最大交易所目前為 OKX, XT.COM, BitMart,, 與 。 您可以在我們的 查看其它交易所。加密貨幣代幣Kishu Inu產品CMC LabsChatGPT Plugin加密貨幣應用程式接口(API)加密貨幣指數塗鴉網站地圖廣告公司關於我們使用條款隱私政策Cookie preferencesCookie 政策社群守則免責聲明計算方法指南徵才招募中!客戶服務聯繫我們聯絡客服常見問題解答詞彙庫社群X (Twitter)社群TelegramInstagram臉書Reddit領英© 2024 CoinMarketCap. 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