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Watch Free Movies and TV Shows Online | Free Streaming Video | TubiMenu IconTubi logoBrowseSign InRegisterSearch IconFree Movies & TVFewer Ads than CableNo Subscription RequiredThousands of movies and TV shows. Always Free. 100% Legal.Start WatchingStream AnywhereTubi is available for free on Android, iOS, Roku, Apple TV, Amazon Fire TV, Xfinity X1, Xbox, Samsung Smart TVs, Sony Smart TVs, PlayStation and the web.Roku Icon RectangleAmazon Fire Icon RectangleSamsung IconSony IconL G T V IconAndroid IconChromecast IconIos Icon RectangleApple TV Icon RectangleXbox IconP S4 IconVizio IconXfinity IconSupported DevicesThousands of titlesWatch amazing movies and TV shows for free. No subscription fees, and no credit cards. Just thousands of hours of streaming video content from studios like Paramount, Lionsgate, MGM and more.Warner Bros IconParamount IconLions GateBrowse TitlesFrequently Asked QuestionsWhat is Tubi?Plus IconTubi is the leading free, premium, on demand video streaming app. We have the largest library of content with thousands of movies and television shows, the best streaming technology, and a personalization engine to recommend the best content for you. Available on all of your devices, we give you the best way to discover new content, completely free.Is Tubi really free?Plus IconYes! Tubi is a free (and legal) video streaming application. To keep our service free and legal, we include ads, which monetize the content that our partners, such as MGM, Lionsgate, and Paramount, provide to us!Is Tubi legal?Plus IconYes! Tubi is a legal (and free) video streaming application. To keep our service legal and free, we include ads, which monetize the content that our partners, such as MGM, Lionsgate, and Paramount, provide to us!Get an account todayAccess free content on all of your devices, sync your list and continue watching anywhere.Register FreeTubi logoFacebookInstagramTwitterLinkedInCOMPANYAbout UsCareersContactSUPPORTContact SupportHelp CenterSupported DevicesActivate Your DeviceAccessibilityPARTNERSAdvertise with UsPartner with UsGET THE APPSiOSAndroidRokuAmazon FirePRESSPress ReleasesTubi in the NewsLEGALPrivacy Policy (Updated)Terms of Use (Updated)Copyright © 2024 Tubi, Inc.Tubi is a registered trademark of Tubi, Inc. All rights reserved.Device ID: 1c54df93-e38d-45dc-a960-3b4a561f60fbMade with Heart in San Franci

Tubi TV是一家什么样的公司? - 知乎

Tubi TV是一家什么样的公司? - 知乎首页知乎知学堂发现等你来答​切换模式登录/注册硅谷电影互联网程序员就业Tubi TV是一家什么样的公司?[文章: 北京技术专场| 阿里、腾讯、百度、今日头条、小米、TubiTV 等公司高薪职位,都在这里] 从这个知乎官方的消息当中看,Tubi TV给的薪…显示全部 ​关注者145被浏览223,439关注问题​写回答​邀请回答​好问题 8​添加评论​分享​7 个回答默认排序陈然​数据挖掘等 3 个话题下的优秀答主​ 关注哈哈,看到了不少同学都提到了我们常年“招人”,这确实是 Tubi 的现状,太缺人了。不管是国内还是美国的程序员,都不是 Tubi TV 典型的用户,所以对 Tubi 的规模其实不太了解: 我们在2019年6月宣布了两千万的月活用户[1](MAU),根据 The Verge 2019年1月的文章[2],Hulu 有两千五百万的美国订阅用户,Netflix 有五千八百万的美国订阅用户。考虑到不是所有用户每个月打开 Hulu、Netflix,从用户规模的角度来看,Tubi 在美国已经是跟 Hulu 类似规模的产品了。我们业务极速增长[3],核心指标观看时长的年化增长是300%+,营收的增长是180%+,2018年Q4已经赢利,预计本年至少花费一个亿美元在内容上。在视频领域家家烧钱拼死拼活的现状下,Tubi 是极少数快速增长并且有能力赚钱的公司。我们内部的服务一应俱全,不管是用户、内容、广告、机器学习、数据、视频、客户端等等,该有的都有。但我们的工程师数量有多少呢?现在只有不到100人,是同等规模公司的1/10,甚至几十分之一。整个公司从上到下相信技术驱动,相信数据与机器学习带来的变革[4],大量使用第三方的云服务与 SaaS,不仅使得每一位工程师都不再需要重复造轮子,只需解决核心业务难题,更能让大家走在技术浪潮前沿,享受技术进步带来的成长与乐趣,拒绝996也能10X产出。旧金山与北京的工程师团队相似大小,每个技术团队两边基本均匀分布,加上我们全球都有远程工作的同学,让我们能做到24小时迭代,全年无休[5]。参与开源社区建设(Chang She 的 pandas,Tony 的 gRPC Elixir,Heiko 的 akka-http-json 等等), @比图科技积极赞助和组织 Scala / Elixir 技术分享活动[6][7]。招人很难啊,能够找到更多志同道合的人,也是我2020年最大的愿望。参考^Tubi surpasses 20m monthly users^Hulu hits 25 million subscribers as it expands its content library^Tubi 2018^打造一家模型驱动型公司 - Tubi 数据与机器学习平台简介^全球办公,全年迭代^【北京活动】Elixir Meetup 第二期^“适合领域应用的王者”- Scala Meetup 活动重袭编辑于 2020-01-20 04:04​赞同 143​​22 条评论​分享​收藏​喜欢收起​Tubi 中国团队​已认证账号​ 关注重点抢先读2021 年,Tubi 流媒体观看量相比 2020 年增长 40%2022 年,AVOD 观看量有望超过 SVOD 本文取自 FOX 联合 Tubi 于 2022 年 2 月 10 日发布的四份研究报告——2022 Audience Insights For Brands , The Sports Streaming Audience: insights for Brands , Covid Streaming Insights , Audience Insights。报告内容基于对广告支持的流媒体行业(AVOD)持续深入研究和 Tubi 用户的数据分析,报告原文见底部。本文目录:美国流媒体行业洞察与展望疫情对流媒体用户的持续影响Tubi 2021 年成绩单图片来源:2022 Audience Insights For Brands,美国流媒体行业洞察与展望: 2021 年 ,AVOD 突破性发展;2022 年,AVOD 观看量有望超过 SVOD 流媒体 vs 电视流媒体成为主流媒体已有多年,2021 年却是广告支持的流媒体( AVOD )突破性发展的一年。AVOD 已成为「为用户提供更多优质内容、为广告主提供更好的广告解决方案」的平台。>> 对于用户2020 年,流媒体是美国人观看视频最常用的方式,流媒体家庭拥有量也达到史上最高。美国 82% 的用户使用 OTT 观看视频;而通过有线闭路电视或卫星电视观看视频的有 70% ,这一比例还在以每年 4-5% 的比率减少。对于年轻一代而言,使用流媒体看视频就等同于看电视,78% 的Z 世代人群和 82% 的千禧人群每周都会用流媒体看视频。图片来源:2022 Audience Insights For Brands,即使如此,对于观众来说,流媒体和线性电视也并不是完全冲突的两个选项。80% 的 18 岁以上无线设备用户依然会通过 ABC、AE 这些电视频道来看体育、真人秀和实况新闻。Tubi 在 2021 年 8 月发布了 Sports On Tubi,为用户免费提供一系列实况新闻直播和体育节目点播,比如 FOX Sports, MLB, NASCAR, Big Ten, NHRA, PBC Boxing, PBA Bowling, Concacaf Soccer 等。图片来源:The Sports Streaming Audience: insights for Brands,>> 对于广告主CTV/OTT 广告预算在 2021 年增长了 34% ,而广播和闭路电视仅增长了 7.4% 。流媒体平台上的广告投资在 2021 年增长了 50% ,2022 年将继续增长 32% 。广告主表示,流媒体广告的投入产出比更高:Tubi 与 Advertiser Perception 合作的研究发现,56% 的广告主为流媒体广告的有效性打分 9 分,满分为 10 。截止于 2026 年,AVOD 收益将实现 2021年的三倍,达 314 亿美元。AOVD vs SVOD2021 年,订阅流媒体(SVOD)用户年度增长 8% ,广告流媒体(AVOD)用户增长 16%。这一趋势将随着电子设备的广泛普及、订阅疲劳和宽带使用的增加而持续下去,据估计,AVOD 总播放量将在 2022 年超过 SVOD;到 2024 年,将有超过一半的互联网用户至少使用一种 AVOD。Tubi 的发展得益于 AVOD 的兴起;但 Tubi 也拥有自己深耕的细分方向和具有战略性的发展策略。目前,27% 的 Tubi 用户没有使用其他免费流媒体平台,78% 不使用 Peacock,62% 不使用 Hulu。71% 的 Tubi 用户订阅了 Netflix, 而 Netflix 订阅用户没有观看广告的习惯。图片来源:2022 Audience Insights For Brands,年,疫情持续影响用户的流媒体选择,AVOD 成为疫情下的优先选择自疫情爆发,人们在家的时间更长了,流媒体也得以持续发展。2021年1月,Tubi 与第三方研究机构 OnePoll 合作发布的最新数据揭示了,在过去一年,疫情对人们使用流媒体行为产生着持续性影响。>> 观看流媒体的总时间持续增加70% 的美国群众表示,相比 2020 年 3 月疫情爆发之时,现在每天平均多看 3 小时的视频。>> AVOD 解决了订阅疲劳的问题疫情给很多美国人造成了经济损失,因此 ,49% 的流媒体用户在购买流媒体服务时,相比 2020 年更倾向于少花些钱。32% 的用户计划在疫情之后取消订阅正在使用的 SVOD ;50% 的用户转向了免费 AVOD 流媒体服务,其中 39% 直接用 AVOD 取代了他们订阅的 SVOD 。>> 用户青睐能提供更多内容选择的流媒体平台40% 的用户提到,海量的电影电视内容库是他们选择流媒体服务的重要考虑因素。而Tubi 拥有 41000 部电影和电视作品,对用户很有吸引力。图片来源:Covid Streaming Insights, 2021 年成绩单:相比 2020 年,总观看量增长 40%重要指标福克斯 CEO Lachlan Murdoch 表示:“当其他流媒体公司专注在购买更高价的视频内容以吸引订阅用户时,Tubi 始终定位于提供广告支持的免费流媒体服务。Tubi 拥有 41000 部电影和电视作品,这一持续扩充的内容库,推动实现了 2021 年 Tubi 总观看量。” Tubi 2021 年流媒体观看量达 36 亿小时,相比 2020 年有 40% 增长,月活用户达 5.1 千万。其中,56% 的 Tubi 用户不使用有线、卫星和光纤电视;27% 的 Tubi 用户不使用任何其他免费 AVOD 流媒体平台。图片来源:2022 Audience Insights For Brands,用户增长Tubi 用户群体呈现更年轻、更多元和新网民三大特点:>> 更年轻Tubi 用户比非流媒体用户年轻 16 岁,比线性电视用户平均年龄小 20+ 岁, 2/3 的 Tubi 用户年龄分布在 18-54 岁之间。>> 更多元Tubi 用户中 42% 具有跨文化特性,近 ⅕ 的用户是黑色人种/黄色人种,17% 为拉美人。2021 年 Tubi 白色人种的用户增加了 71%,这一增长比率比线性电视和其他流媒体 app 都高。另外, 85% 的 Tubi 用户是与其他人共同使用 app 的,27% 用户是家中有孩子的。2021 年,Tubi 增长最快的用户群体是大学学历以上、 $100k 以上的人群。图片来源:2022 Audience Insights For Brands,>>新网民2021 年联邦政府签署的基础设施法案将帮助 1/3 美国边远地区家庭拥有高速网络,再加上广泛普及的电子设备,越来越多的新网民将选择免费的流媒体平台,包括 Tubi。广告收益广告是 Tubi 商业模式中除内容、用户之外的另一核心要素。2022 年,Tubi 广告的 OTT 收视率达 82%。广告主表示,广告频率和上限管理是与流媒体平台合作的重要考虑因素,Tubi 在广告投放及管理方面的专业性,让其品牌广告的日均浏览量增加了 113%。Tubi 用户每小时只需观看 4-6 分钟广告,这种投放方式将更有可能让用户识别和再次忆起这一则广告,以此提升品牌辨识度。与每小时有 13-17 分钟广告的传统电视相比,用户在 Tubi 也会获得更顺畅的观看体验。Tubi 用户在调研中“表达我喜欢看广告”的比例比普通大众高 10% 。图片来源:2022 Audience Insights For Brands,内容创新Tubi 最新一项调查发现,人们希望有越来越多新视频,Tubi 原创剧应运而生。Tubi 原创剧目前包含动画片 The Freak Brothers 、圣诞电影 A Chance for Christmas 、情人节电影 10 Truths about Love 、儿童片 Tales of a Fifth Grade Robin Hood、惊险片 First Person Shooter 等多种类型的作品。The Freak Brothers 自 2021 年 11月上线,已成为 Tubi 播放量最高的剧集,其中第一集触达了 Tubi 80% 以上的用户。The Freak Brothers Experience at Fred Segal's Sunset Boulevard flagship in Los Angeles. PHOTO BY FRANK MICELOTT2022 年,随着 AVOD 的持续发展,Tubi 队伍也将持续发展壮大。Tubi 北京和美国都有大量职位招聘,欢迎扫码 投递职位。同时,我们期待同行交流,共享行业资讯;欢迎后台留言探讨转载或其他合作,共创未来。免费获取4份流媒体行业报告:微信公众号“比图科技” 阅读原文处欢迎加入Tubi,投递简历“比图科技”或“Tubi”,直接写邮件 jobs.china@tubi.tvTubi 有更多Tubi 工程师文化探秘 Tubi 北京新办公室候选人来到 Tubi ,说了一句……@打工人,你的 OoO 用来做什么了我们是亚洲最佳职场关于 Tubi ,你想知道的都在这里了!编辑于 2022-03-02 14:02​赞同 6​​3 条评论​分享​收藏​喜欢

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Check back weekly (new content added every Friday) to see new free TV shows and movies that are available for you to stream online. You do not have to torrent to watch your favorite movies or shows. Let us know what you want to see added to Tubi and we will work hard to free those videos. We believe that sometimes the best things in life ARE free. Please enjoy and let us know what you think.

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Watch thousands of hit movies, TV series, and anime for free. Tubi is 100% legal unlimited streaming, with no credit cards and no subscription required. Choose what you want to watch, when you want to watch it, with fewer ads than regular TV. Tubi is the largest free streaming service featuring award-winning movies and TV series. There is something for everybody; from comedy to drama, kids to classics, and niche favorites such as Korean dramas, anime, and British series. Download now and start streaming entertainment for free, today!

Tubi adds free HD shows and movies every week, so you’ll never run out of entertainment to stream on the go (and at home!). Our goal is to free as many categories of TV shows and movies as we can so you don't have to pay for online entertainment (like you do for Netflix). Not only are our movies and online TV shows always free and available anywhere but they’re also highly rated on IMDb. All of our categories are free to choose from, including New Releases, Anime, and even a Not On Netflix category featuring free movies and TV series that you can't find on Netflix or other popular subscription video apps. Our Anime collection has Naruto, Yu-gi-oh, Cowboy Bebop, and much more. Why torrent content when you could stream your favorite movies and TV shows with us?

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Get a daily does of celeb and legal drama with daily episodes of Paternity Court and Wendy Williams

New movies and series added weekly – Browse our featured section to see what’s new this week!

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Check back weekly (new content added every Friday) to see new free TV shows and movies that are available for you to stream online. You do not have to torrent to watch your favorite movies or shows. Let us know what you want to see added to Tubi and we will work hard to free those videos. We believe that sometimes the best things in life ARE free. Please enjoy and let us know what you think.

Download Tubi TV today and welcome to the FREE TV and movie revolution!


3/5/2019 9:35:34 PM

2/28/2024 10:54:11 PM

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Watch Free Movies and TV Shows Online | Free Streaming Video | TubiMenu IconTubi logoBrowseSign InRegisterSearch IconFree Movies & TVFewer Ads than CableNo Subscription RequiredThousands of movies and TV shows. Always Free. 100% Legal.Start WatchingStream AnywhereTubi is available for free on Android, iOS, Roku, Apple TV, Amazon Fire TV, Xfinity X1, Xbox, Samsung Smart TVs, Sony Smart TVs, PlayStation and the web.Roku Icon RectangleAmazon Fire Icon RectangleSamsung IconSony IconL G T V IconAndroid IconChromecast IconIos Icon RectangleApple TV Icon RectangleXbox IconP S4 IconVizio IconXfinity IconSupported DevicesThousands of titlesWatch amazing movies and TV shows for free. No subscription fees, and no credit cards. Just thousands of hours of streaming video content from studios like Paramount, Lionsgate, MGM and more.Warner Bros IconParamount IconLions GateBrowse TitlesFrequently Asked QuestionsWhat is Tubi?Plus IconTubi is the leading free, premium, on demand video streaming app. We have the largest library of content with thousands of movies and television shows, the best streaming technology, and a personalization engine to recommend the best content for you. Available on all of your devices, we give you the best way to discover new content, completely free.Is Tubi really free?Plus IconYes! Tubi is a free (and legal) video streaming application. To keep our service free and legal, we include ads, which monetize the content that our partners, such as MGM, Lionsgate, and Paramount, provide to us!Is Tubi legal?Plus IconYes! Tubi is a legal (and free) video streaming application. To keep our service legal and free, we include ads, which monetize the content that our partners, such as MGM, Lionsgate, and Paramount, provide to us!Get an account todayAccess free content on all of your devices, sync your list and continue watching anywhere.Register FreeTubi logoFacebookInstagramTwitterLinkedInCOMPANYAbout UsCareersContactSUPPORTContact SupportHelp CenterSupported DevicesActivate Your DeviceAccessibilityPARTNERSAdvertise with UsPartner with UsGET THE APPSiOSAndroidRokuAmazon FirePRESSPress ReleasesTubi in the NewsLEGALPrivacy Policy (Updated)Terms of Use (Updated)Copyright © 2024 Tubi, Inc.Tubi is a registered trademark of Tubi, Inc. All rights reserved.Device ID: 9cb918fb-f1c1-41ff-a1b9-7234db641780Made with Heart in San Franci

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Watch Free Most Popular Movies and TV Shows Online | TubiMenu IconTubi logoBrowseSign InRegisterSearch IconMost PopularThe people have spoken! See the most-watched movies now on Tubi!Plug Love20171 hr 54 minTV-MADrama · Crime · RomanceThe Sand20141 hr 25 minTV-MAHorrorFist of Fury19721 hr 46 minRAction · DramaMockingbird Don't Sing20011 hr 39 minTV-14DramaGrow House20171 hr 27 minRComedyJeff Dunham: Controlled Chaos20111 hr 37 minTV-MAComedyThe Maid20141 hr 43 minTV-MADrama · RomanceDead Sexy20181 hr 23 minTV-MAComedyConfessions of a Time Traveler: The Man From 3036202037 minTV-14Sci-Fi · DramaI Am Still Here20171 hr 43 minTV-MADramaNot Cinderella's Type20181 hr 37 minTV-GDrama · RomanceBroken Arrow19501 hr 32 minTV-PGWesternThor: End of Days20201 hr 31 minTV-MAAction · FantasyEdge of Extinction20202 hr 21 minTV-14Sci-Fi · ActionClose Encounters of the Fifth Kind: Contact Has Begun20202 hr 0 minTV-PGDocumentaryUnacknowledged: An Exposé of the World's Greatest Secret20171 hr 43 minTV-MADocumentaryWarlock19592 hr 1 minPGWesternChicken Girls2017TV-14Drama · ComedyEscape 212020201 hr 47 minTV-14Sci-Fi · Adventure · IndependentA Woman Scorned: The Betty Broderick Story19921 hr 33 minPG-13Drama · ThrillerOperation Repo2007TV-14RealityMani2017TV-PGComedy · Kids & Family2 in the Bush: A Love Story20181 hr 37 minTV-MAComedy · LGBT · RomanceConvoy19781 hr 47 minPGComedy · DramaThe Secret Path19991 hr 34 minTV-14DramaAssassin X20151 hr 41 minTV-MAActionThe Cosmic Secret20192 hr 11 minTV-PGDocumentaryStagecoach19391 hr 35 minTV-PGWestern · ActionFortress20111 hr 40 minRWar · Action · DramaD-Day20191 hr 25 minTV-MAWar · Action · DramaSlippin’: 10 Years With the Bloods20051 hr 23 minTV-MADocumentaryChino19731 hr 36 minPGWestern · Drama · Action · AdventureInside the World's Most Haunted Houses20201 hr 11 minTV-MADocumentaryWelcome to Death Row20011 hr 44 minTV-MADocumentary · MusicBattle for Sevastopol20152 hr 3 minTV-MAAction · War · Foreign/InternationalA Chance in the World20181 hr 45 minTV-PGDramaBlack Mountain Side20151 hr 38 minTV-MAHorror · ThrillerTo End All Wars20042 hr 1 minRDrama · WarSomething in the Woods20151 hr 30 minTV-MAThriller · Independent · ActionMysteries of the Ancient World2005TV-PGDocumentaryJurassic Shark20121 hr 18 minTV-14Comedy · Action · HorrorJack Hunter: The Lost Treasure of the Ugarit20071 hr 38 minPGAdventure · Action · FantasyJack Hunter: The Quest for Akhenaten's Tomb20081 hr 38 minPGAdventure · Action · FantasyThe Fixies: Top Secret20171 hr 16 minTV-GKids & Family · Adventure · AnimationSpring Break Massacre20081 hr 20 minTV-MAHorror · ComedyWild Witch20181 hr 39 minTV-PGFantasy · Adventure · Kids & FamilyWildlike20151 hr 44 minTV-MADrama · Adventure · IndependentThe Doll20171 hr 21 minTV-MAHorror · Thriller · IndependentVirtual Vegas20011 hr 24 minRSci-Fi · DramaWorld Poker Tour2014TV-PGReality · SportTubi logoFacebookInstagramTwitterLinkedInCOMPANYAbout UsCareersContactSUPPORTContact SupportHelp CenterSupported DevicesActivate Your DeviceAccessibilityPARTNERSAdvertise with UsPartner with UsGET THE APPSiOSAndroidRokuAmazon FirePRESSPress ReleasesTubi in the NewsLEGALPrivacy Policy (Updated)Terms of Use (Updated)Copyright © 2024 Tubi, Inc.Tubi is a registered trademark of Tubi, Inc. All rights reserved.Device ID: 9c151da5-985e-4089-aaf7-d4b5d1313d31Made with Heart in San Franci

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4.8 • 610.8K Ratings





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Nice to meet you, we’re Tubi. We’re more than a completely fee-free streamer with the largest library in the entire streaming universe. We’re entertainment fiends and collectors, and never judgers. So, get comfy and settle into whatever you’re feeling. It’s about to get good.WATCH WITH ZERO FEES EVER (YES, REALLY!):Live TV: news, weather, sports, & entertainmentIt’s live, always on, forever fee-free and has way fewer ads than cable. We call that a win-win-win-win. + Check your local weather and news, or tune into world issues with BBC. + Get gameday ready with FOX Sports, the MLB Network, Racing America and more. + Unwind with your favorite TV competitions like The Masked Singer.MoviesFrom the biggest names in the game to the indie darlings we can’t get enough of.+ Top titles added this month: Fast & Furious Presents: Hobbs & Shaw, House Party, Hellboy, Holmes And Watson, Paddington 2, That Awkward Moment, Magic Mike, Kung Fu Hustle and many more!+ Oh, we have the tea. Enjoy drama that isn’t your own with The Good Wife and Perfect Murder.+ Comedy, action, horror…oh, my! Whatever genre you’re looking for, you’ve come to the right place.SeriesMarathon all the best series all in one place with zero subscriptions ever.+ Refine your tastebuds with Next Level Chef and MasterChef.+ Get lost in another world with Scandal and The Dirty D 2.+ Decompress with Everybody Hates Chris and Doomsday Brothers.International entertainment+ Ikuze! We have all the anime! Immerse yourself in the worlds of Pokémon and Yu-Gi-Oh!.+ Korea is in the house. Get your fill of K-pop, horror, drama, action, and comedy.+ Live the Bollywood dream with Aap Ki KashishTubi EspañolTú perteneces aquí. Watch in Spanish with no subtitles necessary.+ Keep it classic with telenovelas like Gran Reserva: El Origen.+ Stream Spanish-first favorites like El Macho.+ Discover dubbed classics like El Rompehielos.Tubi KidsEnjoy the awesomeness (and peace of mind) of Tubi Kids.+ Create a safe stream for your littles with password-protected parental controls.+ Find stuff for the whole family like Lloyd of the Flies, Super Wings, The Little Rascals, Tom & Jerry, Garfield and Friends, and more. + Don’t let the kids mess with your watchlist!Tubi OriginalsMade by us, just for you. And only ever available on Tubi.+ Find award-winning entertainment like Cinnamon with Pam Grier and David Wayens.+ Go deep on the issues that matter most to you with true-crime docs like Behind the Crime: The Nipsey Hussle Murder.+ Get silly with original animated series like The Freak Brothers.MORE PERKS+ Never run out of stuff to watch. We add new content every week.+ Here, there, everywhere. Tubi works on 30+ devices, so it goes wherever you go.+ We’ll never ask for your credit card, ever. You’ll pay zero fees forever. For really.+ Create an account to build your own watchlist, save your watch progress, and get better recommendations.See you in there.

What’s New

Feb 28, 2024

Version 8.4.0

It's your same favorite streaming haven, with all the free movies, shows, and live TV you crave, now rocking a brand new outfit!Don't worry, everything you love is still here:- The biggest library of movies & shows in the streaming universe: From blockbusters to cult classics, dramas to laugh-out-loud comedies.- Live TV: Catch the news, sports, and entertainment that matters to you, always fee-free.- Tubi Kids: Safe space for you and your little ones to explore with fun and nostalgic content.- Tubi Originals: Award-winning shows and documentaries you won't find anywhere else.Explore the new look, rediscover your favorites, and find something new to love – all fee-free, forever.See you in there!

Ratings and Reviews

4.8 out of 5

610.8K Ratings

610.8K Ratings




Good app

I enjoy this app. I am able to watch "A" movies of a decent variety. There are commercials that you are not able to skip just like Pandora's music app except they are longer, but it's just like watching stuff on tv stations or radio stations where you have commercials. I appreciate that it's free. I see cues on the app saying if you pay for the app that it will let you return to a movie where you left off if you have to close the app. I haven't seen it say that it will let you know if you have already watched a movie on the app or not but if it had that I would be willing to pay a few dollars for the app. I sometimes have to get 10-15 minutes into a movie sometimes before I realize that I have already watched it so having a feature on the app that let you know you already watched a movie would be beneficial for me. I have not really seen many glitches at all so it makes the experience smooth and pleasurable. I also have not had any issues with the app affecting my phone negatively in performance like some other apps do.

OMG Name Already



Love it so much!

I truly appreciate the like/dislike option. It helps me keep track of what I’ve watched. I watch Tubi more than any other app. Including Netflicks and the like. Recently there have been a few glitches though. When I watch a preview sometimes the actual movie will play afterwards or, if I exit out before the movie starts then the audio will start playing. This issue includes live tv as well. It usually fixes itself after I turn off and then back on again or sometimes I have to unplug the box altogether. I’ve gotten to where I will back out of the app after each interaction and then reopen. That seems to help. Also, would you please hold the suggestion bar until the movie is over and playing the credits. Sometimes, especially with old movies ( which I love) the suggestion bar will pop up while the action is still playing thus hiding part of the screen. If I exit out of the suggestion bar it just comes back and if I exit again the whole movie exits out and I don’t get to finish the movie unless I start it over and fast forward to the end and I still have to contend with the suggestion bar, so can still only see part of the screen. All in all it’s a great app, even if you don’t fix those things. Thanks.

Kameko Jade



Only wish they would keep movies a while longer

Awesome selections for any genre to settle what you crave for. Enjoying the old hits one more time along with finding new gems to happily watch again and again! Need something for family viewing? Have it! Craving something a little more intense for your thriller time? They have it covered! Wanting a suspenseful action? Also included! Need a little romance to chill out or a comedy to get some laughs? I enjoy them and many more things to indulge your critic delight! I am a huge movie fan and this covers a wider range than other applications that I have and this is my go to for something that I know others don’t include in their selection. I am just sad when they have to change the availability because of new releases they are going to share. I am hoping that they don’t increase their advertising time because that would lose some stars from me. Tubi don’t change yourself because you have been a blessing in disguise! They still keep all five stars after starting this review a few months ago




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Tubi: Everything you need to know about the free movie and TV streaming service


By Andrew Hayward published 12 April 2020

Tubi is a free Netflix alternative with surprisingly good shows and movies

(Image credit: Tubi)

Tired of paying monthly for Netflix or Hulu? If so, then you might want to give Tubi a shot – like Crackle and Pluto TV it's a totally free, ad-supported streaming video service that you can access on loads of devices.Tubi (a.k.a. Tubi TV) is stocked with an array of licensed movies and television shows from across the years, and much like Crackle, the selection is decidedly hit-or-miss. But Tubi really does have a lot of compelling movies on offer, and there's no premium element in play: you'll never have to reach for a credit card. The downside here, however, is that there's no original content and little in the way of recent releases –and it's all video-on-demand and not live TV –but the selection is large and seems to be updated on a regular basis.Ready to give it a shot? Here's how to drop the monthly fee and get started with Tubi TV, or head over to read our 25 best Tubi TV movies roundup.How much does Tubi cost?Truly, it's nothing: you won't hit a paywall at any point, nor can you toss in a credit card to eliminate ads or access premium content or perks. Tubi is 100% ad-supported, which means you'll see commercials before and also during content.Luckily, the ads are usually pretty short and innocuous, and pop up inconsistently within and around the content. When watching an episode of a TV show, you'll probably see a short (30-second) commercial beforehand, and maybe a 15-second or 30-second ad in the middle. It varies, though: We watched Cowboy Bebop and didn't see any ads beforehand, but then it had two commercials for a total of 45 seconds at the middle point. With movies, we've encountered different results, as well. A viewing of Arnold Schwarzenegger's The Running Man via the PlayStation 4 app began with a single short ad, but then continued uninterrupted for the next 45 minutes or so. There would also be an ad any time that I resumed the film after stopping, though.On the other hand, Oldboy on the iPad app began without an ad, but then it played one every 12-15 minutes over the course of the flick. That's a little awkward, since the ad break won't always come at an opportune pause in the action, but overall the ads seem less prevalent than with Crackle. (Image credit: Tubi)How can I access Tubi?Luckily, Tubi is pretty much everywhere in terms of platforms and devices. You can watch it via the website on your computer or elsewhere, while native apps are available on smartphones and tablets, not to mention set-top boxes and game consoles.You'll find iOS and Android apps, for example, as well as apps for Roku, Apple TV, and Amazon Fire TV boxes. The PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and Xbox 360 have native Tubi apps, too, and they're all pretty easy to use and navigate through.Tubi doesn't require a login to watch some videos on the service, but anything that's rated R or otherwise has a Mature designation will require a free account. There's other value to using an account, however, such as queuing up interesting movies and shows, getting smart recommendations based on your viewing habits, and resuming something you started on any device.What are Tubi's key features?As mentioned before, Tubi is totally free and accessible from nearly any modern device you're likely to wield – so it has both of those things going for it.More importantly, Tubi has a lot of free content available – quite a bit more than Crackle, based on browsing the extensive listings. According to the company, Tubi has more than 50,000 titles in its library, with key partnerships with Lionsgate, Paramount, MGM, and Starz helping to keep its content coffers full.Granted, you might not be compelled to watch everything on Tubi, and that's about more than just preference. Tubi has a fair amount of random junk filling up its listings, with straight-to-DVD movies and a lot of other generic-looking fare that you've never heard of before. It's not anywhere near as curated for quality as premium services tend to be, and you'll have to dig around to find the good stuff.But it does have a lot of stuff, and there are some solid gems in the mix. In terms of feature films, the selection as of this writing includes picks like Young Adult, Oldboy, True Grit (2010), School of Rock, Mulholland Drive, and Glengarry Glen Ross.Tubi doesn't have a lot of high-profile TV shows, unfortunately, unless you're into Alf ... and why wouldn't you be? It has some cult favorites, too, like The IT Crowd and Spaced, plus Tubi's anime selection is pretty stellar, with series like Cowboy Bebop, Naruto, and Revolutionary Girl Utena available as of this posting. Tubi seems to add new movies and shows gradually throughout the month, as well, so it's worth checking back and having a browse from time to time.(Image credit: Tubi)Why choose Tubi over Netflix?It's all about the money, really, or the lack thereof. Netflix's monthly subscription fee has gradually risen over the years, particularly as the company pours billions into original shows and movies, and you're paying for exclusive content and a strong selection of newish movies and TV shows from elsewhere.Tubi TV offers no high-profile exclusives, and the vast majority of the noteworthy content is at least several years old at this point. But Tubi TV has a surprisingly large library on offer, and it's all completely free – with a totally reasonable amount of video ads along the way.Not finding what you're looking for on Netflix? Have a look on Tubi: it won't cost you anything, and maybe you'll stumble upon an old favorite flick or something appealing that you haven't seen before. Tubi probably won't replace Netflix for the average paying customer, but if you're not keen on spending for streaming video, then it's a strong ad-supported alternative.Watch these shows Cowboy Bebop: One of the most beloved anime series around, Cowboy Bebop follows a ragtag bunch of space bounty hunters. It has wonderful characters, brilliant animation and music, and a potent blend of action, drama, wry humor, and emotional punch. Spaced: Do you like Shaun of the Dead and Hot Fuzz? If so, then don't miss Spaced, another UK cult favorite from director Edgar Wright and star Simon Pegg. Like their flicks, this sitcom is endlessly quotable and packed with pop culture adoration. Watch these movies Battle Royale: Haven't seen the original Japanese film that inspired everything from The Hunger Games to PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds? Well, this tale of a class of students all trying to kill each other is delightfully ultra-violent, and it's free on Tubi. 

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关于电影推荐,Tubi 有话说 - 知乎切换模式写文章登录/注册关于电影推荐,Tubi 有话说Tubi 中国团队​已认证账号人们看电影通常是因为时间:为了失去或错过的时光,为了不曾拥有的时光。世界各国不同时期、不同风格的电影精品,总能以不同的方式打动我们,正如《一一》中的台词:电影会让你的人身拉长三倍。而莫言曾说:从某一种意义上讲,看电影确实比吃饭重要。作为北美市场领先的免费在线流媒体播放平台,Tubi 自然也集合了不少电影佳作。话不多说,让我们来一睹为快。Tubi 推荐指数: 91% Rotten Tomatoes 豆瓣评分:9.1/10IMDb: 7.8/10 剧情简介 老朱(郎雄)虽是台北最了不起的名厨,但妻子去世后便要肩负起抚养三个女儿的责任,而她们性情各异、个性叛逆,有着自身的问题。女儿们都逐渐长大了,老父亲也渐渐力不从心,不过他那一手炉火纯青的厨艺却依旧维系着全家的和睦。吃晚饭也就成为全家团聚沟通的唯一时刻。这样的时刻理应是其乐融融的,但是因为三个女儿和老父亲各自的“宣布”,令每顿晚饭都充满了意外……✏️TA说✏️我生长在安定和乐的家庭,之后自己也成了家,看到双亲老去,孩子成长,让我心生许多人生无常的感触。我认为,家庭是观察社会变迁的最佳缩影。而今当男性伦理遇上多元社会、多元文化的挑战时,该何以自处,这是我经常考虑的问题。还是那句老话,电影来源于生活。 ——李安Tubi 推荐指数: 91% Rotten Tomatoes 豆瓣评分:8.1/10IMDb: 7.6/10 剧情简介 新西兰海岸生活着一群 Whangara,这些土著居民一向过着简单淳朴的日子,延续着古老的传统。族人中流传着一个古老传说:1000多年前,他们的祖先骑着鲸鱼,避开海难,在这个美丽的海岸定居下来。现任酋长 Koro 已经老了,但却为找不到继承人而苦恼。11岁的 Pai 和同龄女孩一样天真烂漫,梦想自己有一天能接过祖父的担子,领导整个 Whangara 人民。但祖父受沿袭千年的传统思想限制,坚持要挑选男性为自己的接班人,无论如何不会答应孙女的请求。好强的 Pai 只能等待机会,向祖父和族人证明自己有能力领导人民、胜任酋长。 ✏️TA说✏️看完这整部片,大部分人都会热泪盈眶。除此之外,一股失落感油然而生。有人说,因为看见了传统和现代的断裂;也有人说这是因为传统和现代的并置,让人不知该投靠何方。我则是比较赞同后者的想法,传统不可能突然消失,现代也不可能突然出现,这部片显现的正是“一部分”传统文化的失去,而打破传统不代表完全摧毁传统,尤其在片尾,一群华格拉人染着五颜六色的头髮,嘴里却吟唱着传统的旋律,就代表着传统和现代并非明显二分,而是有可能共存共荣。 ——微醺末冬Tubi 推荐指数: 88% Rotten Tomatoes 豆瓣评分:7.5/10IMDb: 7.4/10 剧情简介 天才数学家麦斯米伦柯恩,发现了过去十年来股票市场的混乱波动其实是由背后的一套数学模式在操纵,于是努力研究出该套模式。不料主宰金融市场的一家华尔街财团,和一个企图破解圣经密码的宗教组织都在派员追杀他。他一边躲藏,一边尽快找出这个影响全世界的密码。 ✏️TA说✏️一份偏执的世界观!一位数学家看似找到了解读世界万物的密码,但那究竟是什么呢?达伦·阿伦诺夫斯基惊艳的处女作,黑白影像似乎对应着男主构建的那个只有对和错的数字世界,用快速的剪辑、旋转的镜头加之诡异的配乐营造出异常压抑的氛围。只用了六万美元拍出一部有想法的片子实属不易。你不一定理解男主的痛苦,但观影的过程中你一定可以体会到他的痛苦。 ——被禁锢的魔法以上几部影片皆来自 Tubi 团队伙伴「手动」推荐,当然,如果你想探索更多,欢迎成为 常客,机器学习驱动的视频推荐将为你带来更多观影选择;或者直接成为 Tubi 团队一员,一同努力为观众提供更多免费高质量内容,也是极好的! 目前北京及旧金山团队正在持续招募志同道合的小伙伴,以下是北京热招岗位:高级数据开发工程师:Tubi 是一家以数据为中心的公司,从产品路线图决策到为我们的服务提供强大动力的算法,数据都处于中心位置。我们正在寻找热衷于构建可扩展、高吞吐量数据基础架构的工程师。高级机器学习工程师:你将与产品、技术、数据分析团队紧密合作,解决个性化、内容发现、搜索、广告、内容制作等问题。你将面临的挑战包括简化特征工程、帮助数据分析团队在生产环境中应用机器学习模型、支持数据分析团队甚至是公司其它团队对数据进行研究和分析等。高级后端工程师(Scala):你将致力于构建低延迟服务以服务于机器学习模型,研究用于广告投放速度和预测的精密算法,改进部署和运营我们服务的方式,甚至为开源项目做出贡献。高级后端工程师(Elixir):Tubi 后端团队集合了Elixir中国社区最活跃的一群工程师,他们用 Elixir 开发内容管理与分布式视频转码系统,致力于构建高并发、高可用服务以服务于多个核心业务线,改进部署和运营我们服务的方式,甚至为开源项目做出贡献。高级前端工程师:在 Tubi,我们为数百种设备的数百万用户带来了一流的用户体验,前端团队领导着从 Web 到 OTT 设备的多个平台,对公司收入和用户增长都有举足轻重的影响力。在这个角色中,你将与产品、后端团队紧密合作,解决内容发现、播放器、基础架构等问题,快速向用户提供创新的影视观看体验。高级前端工程师(多媒体):作为影响影视观看体验的最重要因素,媒体播放器处于 Tubi 前端研发的核心地位。在这个角色中,你将与产品、后端团队紧密合作,致力于打造从 Web 到 OTT 设备的多个平台中的多媒体播放器解决方案,快速向用户提供创新的影视观看体验高级 Andriod 工程师:Android 客户端在 Tubi 产品线中占有重要地位,目前已经有1000 多万下载量,在 Play 商店评分高达4.6,并对我们的利润产生了非常显著的贡献。我们正在寻找热衷于构建优雅、易扩展、具备出色用户体验 Android 应用的高级工程师。在这个角色中,你将与产品、后端团队紧密合作,解决内容发现、播放器、基础架构等问题。想了解更多上述职位信息,请访问。彩蛋时间 关于如何“科学上网”观看 Tubi 电影,小编正在筹划第一场 Tubi Open Day 活动,届时将点播呼声最高的影片。欲知后事如何,尽在“比图科技”公众号!发布于 2019-03-12 11:17电影推荐招聘工程师​赞同 3​​1 条评论​分享​喜欢​收藏​申请

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Tubi 快讯|中国团队 100 人啦 - 知乎

Tubi 快讯|中国团队 100 人啦 - 知乎切换模式写文章登录/注册Tubi 快讯|中国团队 100 人啦Tubi 中国团队​已认证账号近日,Tubi in the News 越来越高频了。为帮助大家及时有效地了解 Tubi 最新发展动态,每月一期的 Tubi 快讯又来啦~欢迎关注“ Tubi 比图科技“,一同成长变强!Tubi 中国团队 100 人啦上周五,Tubi 迎来了中国团队的第 100 位同事!从最开始创立到 Tubi 中国团队第一次在公众号亮相,再到去年年底的关于 Tubi ,你想知道的都在这里,Tubi 一路成长也一路收获,始终未变的是——Tubi 是一间技术驱动的科技公司,拥有着「充分信任、全情投入、数据说话、愈挫愈勇、以成为负责人为傲、实干为王」的工程师文化内核,吸引着越来越多志同道合的优秀工程师加入,一起创造着更多成绩。邀请你观看 Tubi 中国团队最新宣传视频,认识这支一直在发展和壮大的精英团队!Tubi 中国团队最新宣传片《黑客帝国》上线 Tubi 啦 数千万用户可以在 Tubi 免费观看《黑客帝国》前三部啦!好莱坞著名科幻影片《黑客帝国》自 1999 年上映以来,在全球范围内收到很高的票房,连更续集的同时,也为人类带来了持续的思考:如果我们的世界就是这样一个程序和代码的帝国,又如何呢?Tubi 拥有 40,000 部高品质电影电视剧和 100+ 新闻体育频道,总有一款节目是你此刻需要的,而且完全免费!参考来源: 与狮门影业达成一项多年合作协议今年六月中旬,Tubi 与狮门影业签订了一项多年期合作协议,Tubi 将为其用户免费提供狮门的 30 部最新故事片和 200 部其他影片。这意味着 Tubi 的内容库将进一步扩大。Tubi 首席内容官 Adam Lewinson 在声明中表示,“我们很高兴能扩大与狮门影业的长期合作伙伴关系;这 30 部即将上映的独家免费电影,以及深受观众喜爱的其他来自狮门的电影和连续剧,将更多地为 Tubi 观众带来价值。”狮门影业电视发行总裁 Ryan Lowerre 则表示, “我们很高兴进一步扩大与广告支持的免费流媒体领先平台—— Tubi 的长期合作,为 Tubi 的观众带去明星汇集的影视作品。“参考原文: 上线百余部电影以庆祝同志骄傲月Tubi 为庆祝同志骄傲月(Pride Month),为 LGBTQIA+ 群体赋能与发声,于六月推出了“ Pride Month ”系列,上线了 106 部相关主题的影视作品,包括纪录片、喜剧和爱情片。Tubi 一直致力于为每一个群体、每一个时刻和每一种情感提供极致体验的流媒体服务。参考原文: 将上线来自 Vice Media 的视频内容被称为“吸引千禧一代观众成功典范“的 Vice Media,将在 Tubi 平台首次上线 200 小时的电视直播节目。这将进一步扩大 Tubi 电视节目的内容丰富度,也进一步增加 Tubi 在年轻用户群体中的影响力。参考原文:加入 Tubi ,一起创造更多成绩了解 Tubi 更多: Tubi 工程师文化远程办公的编程模型关于 Tubi,你想知道的都在这里候选人来到 Tubi,说了一句……我们是亚洲最佳职场发布于 2022-07-06 18:11黑客帝国(电影)流媒体互联网求职​赞同 3​​7 条评论​分享​喜欢​收藏​申请