元素)_百度百科 网页新闻贴吧知道网盘图片视频地图文库资讯采购百科百度首页登录注册进入词条全站搜索帮助首页秒懂百科特色百科知识专题加入百科百科团队权威合作下载百科APP个人中心鿫是一个多义词,请在下列义项上选择浏览(共2个义项)添加义项收藏查看我的收藏0有用+10鿫[ào]播报讨论上传视频化学元素鿫(ào,Oganesson),符号为Og,化学元素,原子序数118号,是人工合成的稀有气体元素。在元素周期表其上位于p区,属于0族,是第7周期中的最后一个元素,其原子序数和原子量为已知元素中最高的,也是人类已合成的最重元素。2016年6月8日,国际纯粹与应用化学联合会(IUPAC)宣布,将合成化学元素第118号(Og)提名为化学新元素。该新元素由美国劳伦斯利弗莫尔国家实验室和俄罗斯的科学家联合合成 [2],研究人员将第118号元素命名为Oganesson(缩写Og),以致敬超重元素合成先驱者、俄罗斯物理学家尤里·奥加涅相。Og也是第二个以在世科学家命名的元素,第一个是(Sg,106号元素)。中文名鿫外文名Oganesson别 名Uuo化学式Og分子量[294] [1]CAS登录号54144-19-3安全性描述预计化学性质不活泼危险性符号R20,R37,R49危险性描述具有放射性原子序数118原子质量294u原子半径152pm族0族周 期第七周期半衰期12ms外层电子分布5f146d107s27p6 [4]区p区共价键半径1.57电子亲和力5.403kJ/mol衰减方式α目录1发展历程2化学性质3实验制造4造假事件发展历程播报编辑2015年12月30日,总部位于瑞士苏黎世的国际纯粹与应用化学联合会(IUPAC)宣布,确认发现第118号元素。第118号元素由美国劳伦斯利弗莫尔国家实验室和俄罗斯的科研团队发现,他们也获准正式命名118号元素。2016年6月8日,国际纯粹与应用化学联合会宣布,将合成化学元素第118号(Og)提名为化学新元素。该新元素由美国和俄罗斯的科学家联合合成,研究人员将第118号元素命名为Oganesson(缩写Og),以致敬极重元素合成先驱者、俄罗斯物理学家尤里·奥加涅相。第118号元素是人类合成的最重元素。 [5]此新元素将接受5个月的公众评议。按计划,该组织理事会将在2016年11月初正式批准4种新元素加入化学元素周期表大家庭。2017年1月15日,全国科学技术名词审定委员会联合国家语言文字工作委员会组织化学、物理学、语言学界专家召开了113号元素、115号元素、117号元素、118号元素中文定名会,确认了118号元素的中文名称,需经上报教育部批准后正式公布。2017年5月9日,中国科学院、国家语言文字工作委员会、全国科学技术名词审定委员会在北京联合召开发布会,正式向社会发布118号元素中文名“鿫”。 [3]化学性质播报编辑鿫是一种人工合成的化学元素,半衰期12ms,预计化学性质很不活泼,可能属于稀有气体一类。鿫具放射性,其原子十分不稳定。自2002年起,一共只探测到的鿫同位素的原子共有3个(4个)。这使对鿫特性和可能的化合物的实验研究相当困难。理论计算作出了一些有关其特性的预测,其中一些是出乎意料的。例如,鿫是0族成员,但它有可能并不是惰性气体。之前它曾被认为是气体,但预测却表示,由于相对论性因素,它在标准状况下会是固体。Og元素中文名核反应制取方程式:鿫是人类合成的最重元素。自从19世纪门捷列夫创制首张通行的化学元素周期表以来,人类已发现了118种元素。它们在元素周期表上按原子序数排列,每一列称作一个族,每一行称作一个周期。实验制造播报编辑2006年10月16日,美国劳伦斯利弗莫尔国家实验室宣布,该实验室科学家与俄罗斯科学家合作,利用俄方的回旋加速器设备,成功合成了鿫,并观察到其存在了不到1毫秒时间。 [1]科学家宣称,他们通过设在俄罗斯杜布纳的U400回旋加速器实验设备,两次将高速钙-40离子加速,用来轰击人造元素锎-249,从而制造出3颗新原子。每颗新原子的原子核包含118个质子和179个中子。也就是说,这种新元素在元素周期表中的序号为118,原子量为297。其中一个原子是在2003年的试验中获得;另外两个则是在2005年年初的试验中获得。科学家们观察到了鿫的原子“衰变链”过程,证实了这一新的超重元素的存在。鿫是已知最重的元素,也是第一种人造稀有气体。鿫存在的时间极其短暂,约有0.9毫秒,即万分之九秒,之后即迅速衰变为原子量较小的其他元素:先是释放出一颗由两个质子和两个中子组成的α粒子,衰变为,然后再度释放出一颗α粒子,衰变为,接着更进一步衰变为鿔,它最终裂变为两颗大小差不多的其他原子。造假事件播报编辑1999年,一个科学小组曾宣布造出了118号元素,但是在2002年,由于被发现伪造数据,该科学小组被迫撤回其声明,一名科学家因此被解雇;其中三名科学家后来加入美俄联合小组。 [6]《物理学评论》副主编、耶鲁大学物理学教授理查德·卡斯特恩也表示,由于这一问题的高度敏感性,此次研究报告经过了严格的审查。新手上路成长任务编辑入门编辑规则本人编辑我有疑问内容质疑在线客服官方贴吧意见反馈投诉建议举报不良信息未通过词条申诉投诉侵权信息封禁查询与解封©2024 Baidu 使用百度前必读 | 百科协议 | 隐私政策 | 百度百科合作平台 | 京ICP证030173号 京公网安备110000020000OG是什么意思? - 知乎
OG是什么意思? - 知乎首页知乎知学堂发现等你来答切换模式登录/注册电子竞技刀塔(DOTA 2)Dota 2 国际邀请赛 TIOG是什么意思?关注者20被浏览247,666关注问题写回答邀请回答好问题添加评论分享10 个回答默认排序萌萌救我 关注现在流行的有4种解释1.old gun,老炮,表示在某一领域资质很久。2.ob.gaming,由斗鱼dota2专区话事人yyf和大主播zhou,longdd等共同为cn dota发展而组建的dota2战队3.OG战队此前是由Monkey Busniess战队被一家游戏直播平台收购后改名而來。在2015年夺得了法兰克福特锦赛冠军和马尼拉特锦赛冠军被成为“春秋霸主”。4.一种元素编辑于 2019-09-01 08:27赞同 348 条评论分享收藏喜欢收起爱又怎样 关注Oh God的缩写,意指上帝发布于 2019-09-03 14:11赞同 9添加评论分享收藏喜欢
OG - Liquipedia Dota 2 Wiki
OG - Liquipedia Dota 2 Wiki
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1 History
2 Timeline
3 Player Roster
3.1 Active
3.2 Inactive
3.3 Former
4 Organization
4.1 Active
4.2 Former
5 Results
6 Gallery
6.1 Rosters
6.2 Logos
7 Trivia
8 Additional Content
8.1 Interviews
8.2 Miscellaneous
8.3 Spotlights
8.4 Highlights
9 References
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[e][h]OGTeam InformationLocation: EuropeRegion: EuropeCoach: MishaManager: BonkersTeam Captain: CebApprox. Total Winnings:$36,824,443Links Achievements HistoryCreated:2015-10-31Upcoming MatchesOG vs(Bo3) TSpiritMarch 7, 2024 - 14:30 CET DreamLeague S22 GS2
Upcoming Tournaments
DreamLeague Season 22
ONGOING!Feb 25 - Mar 10
Elite League
March 31, 2024 - 00:00 UTCMar 31 - Apr 15
OG was created as the new team of former (monkey) Business players. The team's breakthrough came at the Frankfurt Major in late November, 2015. They fought through the lower bracket, defeating TI5 champions Evil Geniuses and runner-ups CDEC Gaming. By winning the 2017 Kiev Major, OG became the first team in Dota 2 history to win four Dota Major Championships. In August 2018, OG became the first team to win The International from the open qualifiers. The grand finals of the event were the subject of a 2018 episode of "True Sight", making OG the only team to be featured in the series more than once. In August 2019, OG became the first team to win more than one TI by winning TI9, also becoming the first back-to-back TI winners in the history of the game.
1 History
2 Timeline
3 Player Roster
3.1 Active
3.2 Inactive
3.3 Former
4 Organization
4.1 Active
4.2 Former
5 Results
6 Gallery
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6.2 Logos
7 Trivia
8 Additional Content
8.1 Interviews
8.2 Miscellaneous
8.3 Spotlights
8.4 Highlights
9 References
This section is an excerpt from History of OG
Team OG was originally formed under the name (monkey) Business and was comprised of both experienced veterans in n0tail and Fly as well as new and upcoming talents in Miracle-, Cr1t- and MoonMeander. The team achieved their breakthrough during the Frankfurt Major, defeating European powerhouse Team Secret in the grand finals. The team continued to have a strong presence in the European Dota scene, but after a fourth-place finish at The Summit 4, OG's dominance began to wane and ended with a 7-8th place finish in the Shanghai Major. Despite this, the team rebounded with a 3rd place finish at EPICENTER and claimed a second Dota Major Championship title at the Manila Major. The squad proceeded to defeat Natus Vincere at ESL One Frankfurt 2016, winning the tournament and securing their invite to The International 2016.
OG performed well in the group stage of The International 2016 and finished first in their group. Despite this, the team was unable to maintain their momentum and fell to the loser's bracket against MVP Phoenix. 7ckingmad would later say in his 'Reflections' interview with Duncan "Thorin" Shields that they chose to play MVP Phoenix after their 'complete domination' of them at the Manila Major, and that this may have been a mistake. Following this unexpected loss, the team was eliminated by TNC Gaming and finished 9-12th, in what has been referred to as one of the biggest upsets in professional Dota 2.[1] Shortly after their disappointing run, OG announced that MoonMeander would no longer be an active player, and that Cr1t- and Miracle- would be leaving the team. In the same 'Reflections' interview, 7ckingmad claimed that it was a personality conflict within the team that led to the removal of Moonmeander, and that once the team wasn't remaining as 5, it prompted Miracle to consider other offers.
2024Show All
October 31st - The players of (monkey) Business form OG.[2]
March 25th - Xcalibur joins as a Sub.[3]
August 23rd - MoonMeander becomes inactive while Cr1t- and Miracle- leave.[4]
August 25th - MoonMeander joins Digital Chaos.[5]
August 31st - JerAx, s4 and ana join the team.[6]
August 17th - OG parts ways with ana who announces a one-year hiatus from competitive Dota.[7]
September 1st - Resolut1on joins the team.[8]
March 17th - Resolut1on leaves the team.[9] Meanwhile, coach 7ckngMad will stand-in for the team.
May 28th - s4 and Fly leave for Evil Geniuses.[10]
June 4th - ana and Topson join the team.[11] With these additions, N0tail moves to hard support and 7ckngMad will be offlane.[12]
November 19th - ana leaves the team and becomes the official substitute.[13]
November 27th - Pajkatt joins the team.[14]
January 3rd - Pajkatt leaves the team.[15]
January 4th - iLTW is loaned from Espada.[16]
March 12th - iLTW leaves the team.[17]
March 13th - ana returns to the active roster.[18]
April 30th - Sockshka joins the team as coach.[19]
January 25th - ana will take a break until the next season.[20]
January 26th - JerAx retires from the competitive scene.[21]
January 27th - Ceb steps down from the active roster.[22]
January 28th - SumaiL joins the team as carry.[23]
January 29th - MidOne and Saksa join the team as offlane[24] and support,[25] respectively.
July 25th - Ceb returns to the active roster while SumaiL is removed.[26]
March 22nd - The team part ways with MidOne.[27]
April 11th - ana returns to the active roster.[28]
June 14th - ana retires from the competitive scene.[29]
June 15th - SumaiL joins the team.[30]
September 24th - It was revealed that Misha had assumed the position of head coach for the past three months while Sockshka has been moved to assistant coach.[31]
November 8th - SumaiL and Saksa leave the team.[32]
November 12th - The team part ways with assistant coach Sockshka.[33]
November 18th - Ceb retires from the competitive scene.[34]
November 19th - Topson takes a break from competitive Dota.[35]
November 20th - N0tail takes a break from competitive Dota.[36]
November 21st - A new roster is revealed; Yuragi, bzm, ATF and Taiga join the team while head coach Misha moves to the active roster as support and captain.[37]
December 9th - Chuvash officially joins the team as coach which was earlier revealed by Misha.[38][39]
January 5th - Michael Schwartz is the new head of esports.[40]
October 21st - Kozak is revealed as analyst.[41]
November 3rd - ATF is moved to the inactive roster.[42]
December 7th - ATF leaves to join Nigma Galaxy.[43][44]
December 9th - DM joins the team.[45]
January 6 - Analyst Kozak leaves the team.[46]
February 3 - JMR Luna leaves the team as CEO.[47]
March 6 - Coach Chu and Misha swapped roles.[48]
May 7 - Gorgc joins the team as streamer.[49]
June 10 - Chu moves to assistant coach.[50]
July 30 - Ceb rejoins the active roster.[51]
August 1 - Taiga is moved to inactive.[52]
August 9 - Kitrak joins the team.[53]
September 7 - Topson joins Tundra Esports.[54][55]
September 14 - DM is moved to inactive.[56]
October 12 - The contract of DM and Taiga ended.[57][58]
November 8 - The team part ways with Chu.[59][60]
November 12 - Wisper and Ari join the team while Ceb moves to position 5, Kitrak is no longer with the team.[61]
December 20 - The team parts ways with streamer Gorgc.[62]
February 20 - Yuragi is moved into inactive.[63]
Player Roster[edit]
IDNamePositionJoin Date bzm(Bozhidar Bogdanov)Position: 2Join Date: 2021-11-21[37] Wisper(Adrián Céspedes Dobles)Position: 3Join Date: 2023-11-12[61] Ari(Matthew Walker)Position: 4Join Date: 2023-11-12[61] Ceb (Sébastien Debs)Position: 5Join Date: 2023-07-30[51]
Temporary stand-ins
Enzo Gianoli
DreamLeague Season 22
Inactive PlayersInactive PlayersIDNamePositionJoin DateInactive DateActive Team Yuragi(Artem Golubiev)Position: 1Join Date: 2021-11-21[37]Inactive Date: 2024-02-20[63] N0tail (Johan Sundstein)Position: 5Join Date: 2015-10-31[2]Inactive Date: 2021-11-20[36]
2023Show All
Temporary stand-ins
Kalle Saarinen
Anathan Pham
Dota Pit League Season 5 Qualifier
Yazied Jaradat
Tal Aizik
Dota Pit League Season 5 Qualifier
The International 2016 SquadThe International 2016 SquadIDNamePositionJoin DateLeave DateNew Team N0tail(Johan Sundstein)Position: 1/2Join Date: 2015-10-31[2]Leave Date: - Miracle-(Amer Barkawi)Position: 1/2Join Date: 2015-10-31[2]Leave Date: 2016-08-23[4] Team Liquid MoonMeander(David Tan)Position: 3Join Date: 2015-10-31[2]Leave Date: 2016-08-25[5] Digital Chaos Cr1t-(Andreas Franck Nielsen)Position: 4Join Date: 2015-10-31[2]Leave Date: 2016-08-23[4] Evil Geniuses Fly (Tal Aizik)Position: 5Join Date: 2015-10-31[2]Leave Date: - Xcalibur(Steve Ye)Position: SubJoin Date: 2016-03-25[3]Leave Date: 2016-08-23 Memento Mori
The International 2017 SquadThe International 2017 SquadIDNamePositionJoin DateLeave DateNew Team N0tail(Johan Sundstein)Position: 1Join Date: 2015-10-31[2]Leave Date: - ana(Anathan Pham)Position: 2Join Date: 2016-08-31[6]Leave Date: 2017-08-17[7] Team World s4(Gustav Magnusson)Position: 3Join Date: 2016-08-31[6]Leave Date: - JerAx(Jesse Vainikka)Position: 4Join Date: 2016-08-31[6]Leave Date: - Fly (Tal Aizik)Position: 5Join Date: 2015-10-31[2]Leave Date: -
Temporary stand-ins
Kim Sun Yeob
Topias Taavitsainen
AMD Dota 2 Pro Series 2018
The International 2018 SquadThe International 2018 SquadIDNamePositionJoin DateLeave DateNew Team ana(Anathan Pham)Position: 1/2Join Date: 2018-06-03[11]Leave Date: 2018-11-19[13] OG (inactive) Topson(Topias Taavitsainen)Position: 1/2Join Date: 2018-06-03[11]Leave Date: - Ceb(Sébastien Debs)Position: 3Join Date: 2018-06-03[11]Leave Date: - JerAx(Jesse Vainikka)Position: 4Join Date: 2016-08-31[6]Leave Date: - N0tail (Johan Sundstein)Position: 5Join Date: 2015-10-31[2]Leave Date: -
Former SquadFormer SquadIDNamePositionJoin DateLeave DateNew Team N0tail(Johan Sundstein)Position: 1Join Date: 2015-10-31[2]Leave Date: - Resolut1on(Roman Fominok)Position: 2Join Date: 2017-09-01[8]Leave Date: 2018-03-17[9] VGJ.Storm s4(Gustav Magnusson)Position: 3Join Date: 2016-08-31[6]Leave Date: 2018-05-28[10] Evil Geniuses JerAx(Jesse Vainikka)Position: 4Join Date: 2016-08-31[6]Leave Date: - Fly (Tal Aizik)Position: 5Join Date: 2015-10-31[2]Leave Date: 2018-05-28[10] Evil Geniuses
Temporary stand-ins
Sébastien Debs
ESL One Birmingham 2018 MDL Changsha Major EPICENTER XL ESL One Birmingham 2018 Qualifier Dota 2 Asia Championships 2018 DreamLeague Season 9 MDL Changsha Major Qualifier
Sébastien Debs
Johan Sundstein
Galaxy Battles II: Emerging Worlds
Maurice Gutmann
Gustav Magnusson
Galaxy Battles II: Emerging Worlds
The International 2019 SquadThe International 2019 SquadIDNamePositionJoin DateLeave DateNew Team ana(Anathan Pham)Position: 1Join Date: 2019-03-13[18]Leave Date: - Topson(Topias Taavitsainen)Position: 2Join Date: 2018-06-03[11]Leave Date: - Ceb(Sébastien Debs)Position: 3Join Date: 2018-06-03[11]Leave Date: - JerAx(Jesse Vainikka)Position: 4Join Date: 2016-08-31[6]Leave Date: - N0tail (Johan Sundstein)Position: 5Join Date: 2015-10-31[2]Leave Date: -
Temporary stand-ins
Titouan Merloz
Johan Sundstein
EPICENTER Major 2019
Former PlayersFormer PlayersIDNamePositionJoin DateLeave DateNew Team Pajkatt(Per Anders Olsson Lille)Position: 1/2Join Date: 2018-11-27[14]Leave Date: 2019-01-03[15] Ninjas in Pyjamas (coach) iLTW(Igor Filatov)Position: 1/2Join Date: 2019-01-04[16]Leave Date: 2019-03-12[17] Espada (inactive) ana(Anathan Pham)Position: SubJoin Date: 2018-11-19[13]Leave Date: 2019-03-13[18] OG (player)
Temporary stand-ins
Igor Filatov
Yeik Nai Zheng
OGA Dota PIT Season 4: Europe CIS
Titouan Merloz
Topias Taavitsainen
OGA Dota PIT Season 3: Europe CIS
Former PlayerFormer PlayerIDNamePositionJoin DateLeave DateNew Team SumaiL(Sumail Hassan)Position: 1Join Date: 2020-01-28[23]Leave Date: 2020-07-25[26] Team Liquid (Stand-in)
Temporary stand-ins
Sébastien Debs
Topias Taavitsainen
OGA Dota PIT Season 1: Europe/CIS Gamers Without Borders WePlay! Pushka League
Neta Shapira
Topias Taavitsainen
ESL One Los Angeles 2020 - Online: Europe & CIS
Sébastien Debs
Yeik Nai Zheng
ESL One Los Angeles 2020 - Online: Europe & CIS WeSave! Charity Play
Omar Dabachach
Topias Taavitsainen
WeSave! Charity Play
Former PlayerFormer PlayerIDNamePositionJoin DateLeave DateNew Team JerAx(Jesse Vainikka)Position: 4Join Date: 2016-08-31[6]Leave Date: 2020-01-26[21] Retired
The International 2021 SquadThe International 2021 SquadIDNamePositionJoin DateInactive DateLast Active TeamLeave DateNew Team SumaiL(Sumail Hassan)Position: 1Join Date: 2021-06-15[30]Leave Date: 2021-11-08[32] Team Secret Topson(Topias Taavitsainen)Position: 2Join Date: 2018-06-03[11]Inactive Date: 2021-11-19[35]Leave Date: - Ceb(Sébastien Debs)Position: 3Join Date: 2018-06-03[11][26]Leave Date: 2021-11-18[34] Retired Saksa(Martin Sazdov)Position: 4Join Date: 2020-01-29[25]Leave Date: 2021-11-08[32] Tundra Esports N0tail (Johan Sundstein)Position: 5Join Date: 2015-10-31[2]Inactive Date: 2021-11-20[36]Leave Date: -
Former PlayersFormer PlayersIDNamePositionJoin DateLeave DateNew Team ana(Anathan Pham)Position: 1Join Date: 2019-03-13[18][28]Leave Date: 2021-06-14[29] Retired MidOne(Yeik Nai Zheng)Position: 1Join Date: 2020-01-29[24]Leave Date: 2021-03-22[27] Team SMG
The International 2022 SquadThe International 2022 SquadIDNamePositionJoin DateInactive DateLast Active TeamLeave DateNew Team Yuragi(Artem Golubiev)Position: 1Join Date: 2021-11-21[37]Leave Date: - bzm(Bozhidar Bogdanov)Position: 2Join Date: 2021-11-21[37]Leave Date: - ATF(Ammar Al-Assaf)Position: 3Join Date: 2021-11-21[37]Inactive Date: 2022-11-03[42]Leave Date: 2022-12-07[43] Nigma Galaxy Taiga(Tommy Le)Position: 4Join Date: 2021-11-21[37]Leave Date: - Misha (Mikhail Agatov)Position: 5Join Date: 2021-11-21[37]Leave Date: -
Temporary stand-ins
Evgenii Makarov
Mikhail Agatov
GAMERS GALAXY: Invitational Series Dubai 2022 ESL One Malaysia 2022
Sébastien Debs
Mikhail Agatov
ESL One Stockholm 2022 PGL Arlington Major 2022
The International 2023: Western Europe Qualifier SquadThe International 2023: Western Europe Qualifier SquadIDNamePositionJoin DateInactive DateLast Active TeamLeave DateNew Team Yuragi(Artem Golubiev)Position: 1Join Date: 2021-11-21[37]Leave Date: - bzm(Bozhidar Bogdanov)Position: 2Join Date: 2021-11-21[37]Leave Date: - DM(Dmitry Dorokhin)Position: 3Join Date: 2022-12-09[45]Inactive Date: 2023-09-14[56]Leave Date: 2023-10-12[58] 9Pandas (Coach) Ceb(Sébastien Debs)Position: 4Join Date: 2023-07-30[51]Leave Date: - Kitrak(Kartik Rathi)Position: 5Join Date: 2023-08-09[53]Leave Date: 2023-11-12[61] Shopify Rebellion
Former PlayersFormer PlayersIDNamePositionJoin DateInactive DateLast Active TeamLeave DateNew Team Taiga(Tommy Le)Position: 4Join Date: 2021-11-21[37]Inactive Date: 2023-08-01[52] Wildcard GamingLeave Date: 2023-10-12[57] Bleed Esports Topson(Topias Taavitsainen)Position: 2Join Date: 2018-06-03[11]Inactive Date: 2021-11-19[35] Tundra EsportsLeave Date: 2023-09-07[54] Tundra Esports Chu (Evgenii Makarov)Position: 5Join Date: 2023-03-06[48]Leave Date: 2023-06-10[50] OG (Assistant Coach) Misha (Mikhail Agatov)Position: 5Join Date: 2021-11-21[37]Leave Date: 2023-03-06[48] OG (Coach)
Temporary stand-ins
Ivan Ivanov
DreamLeague Season 21
Sébastien Debs
Riyadh Masters 2023 DreamLeague Season 20
Ivan Ivanov
Dmitry Dorokhin
Berlin Major 2023
Kartik Rathi
Evgenii Makarov
Berlin Major 2023
Join Date
N0tail(Johan Sundstein)FounderJoin Date:
Ceb(Sébastien Debs)Co-FounderJoin Date:
(Charlie Félix Albert Debs)Co-owner & COOJoin Date: 2019-11-05
(Xavier Oswald)Co-owner & CROJoin Date: 2019-11-05
(Michael Schwartz)Head of EsportsJoin Date: 2022-01-05[40]
Bonkers(Allen Cook)ManagerJoin Date: 2021-11-21[64]
Misha(Mikhail Agatov)CoachJoin Date: 2023-03-06[48]
Former Organization
Former Organization
Join Date
Leave Date
New Team
Gorgc(Janne Stefanovski)StreamerJoin Date: 2023-05-07[49]Leave Date: 2023-12-20[62]
Chu(Evgenii Makarov)Assistant CoachJoin Date: 2023-06-10[50]Leave Date: 2023-11-08[59]
Chu(Evgenii Makarov)CoachJoin Date: 2021-12-09[38]Leave Date: 2023-03-06[48]
OG (Player)
JMR Luna(Juan M.R. Luna)CEOJoin Date: 2020-06-24[65]Leave Date: 2023-02-03[47]
Kozak(Vladyslav Lazurenko)AnalystJoin Date: 2022-08-20[41]Leave Date: 2023-01-06[46]
Team Sexy (Coach)
Shootsgud(Valter Gomes)ManagerJoin Date: 2020-11-??Leave Date: 2021-11-21
Misha(Mikhail Agatov)Head CoachJoin Date: 2021-06-??[31]Leave Date: 2021-11-21[37]
OG (Player)
Sockshka(Titouan Merloz)Assistant CoachJoin Date: 2019-04-30[19]Leave Date: 2021-11-12[33]
Muta(Mourtada Al-karbalaie)ManagerJoin Date: 2020-02-??Leave Date:
Gorgc(Janne Stefanovski)StreamerJoin Date: 2020-01-29[67]Leave Date: 2020-08-20[66]
Team Bald Reborn (Player)
IzpAH(Oliver Steer)ManagerJoin Date: 2019-??-??Leave Date: 2019-12-11
Roro(Mia Stellberg)PsychologistJoin Date: 2019-06-??[68]Leave Date:
ppasarel(Cristian Banaseanu)CoachJoin Date: 2018-06-14Leave Date:
7ckngMad(Sébastien Debs)CoachJoin Date: 2016-05-??Leave Date: 2018-06-04[11]
OG (Player)
the_evany(Evany Chang)ManagerJoin Date: 2015-10-31Leave Date: 2018-??-??
Recent Matches
DatePlaceTierTournamentResultPrize2022-08-281stTier 1ESL One Malaysia 20223 : 0$175,0002022-05-221stTier 1ESL One Stockholm Major 20223 : 1$200,0002021-10-157th - 8thTier 1The International 20210 : 2$1,000,5002019-08-251stTier 1The International 20193 : 1$15,620,1812018-08-251stTier 1The International 20183 : 2$11,234,1582017-04-301stTier 1The Kiev Major 20173 : 2$1,000,0002016-12-101stTier 1The Boston Major 20163 : 1$1,000,0002016-06-191stTier 1ESL One Frankfurt 20163 : 0$157,2732016-06-121stTier 1The Manila Major 20163 : 1$1,110,0002015-11-211stTier 1The Frankfurt Major 20153 : 1$1,110,000Extended list of results
DateTimeTierTypeTournamentScorevs. TeamVOD2024-03-0617:50 UTCA1Tier 1 OnlineDreamLeague Season 22 - Group Stage 2DreamLeague Season 22 - Group Stage 21 : 2 GG2024-03-0520:25 UTCA1Tier 1 OnlineDreamLeague Season 22 - Group Stage 2DreamLeague Season 22 - Group Stage 22 : 1 Aurora 2024-03-0420:40 UTCA1Tier 1 OnlineDreamLeague Season 22 - Group Stage 2DreamLeague Season 22 - Group Stage 22 : 1 SR 2024-03-0320:25 UTCA1Tier 1 OnlineDreamLeague Season 22 - Group Stage 2DreamLeague Season 22 - Group Stage 22 : 1 XG 2024-03-0213:25 UTCA1Tier 1 OnlineDreamLeague Season 22 - Group Stage 2DreamLeague Season 22 - Group Stage 20 : 2 Falcons 2024-03-0113:50 UTCA1Tier 1 OnlineDreamLeague Season 22 - Group Stage 2DreamLeague Season 22 - Group Stage 21 : 2 BB 2024-02-2913:25 UTCA1Tier 1 OnlineDreamLeague Season 22 - Group Stage 1DreamLeague Season 22 - Group Stage 11 : 0 VP 2024-02-2910:55 UTCA1Tier 1 OnlineDreamLeague Season 22 - Group Stage 1DreamLeague Season 22 - Group Stage 11 : 0 GG 2024-02-2810:55 UTCA1Tier 1 OnlineDreamLeague Season 22 - Group Stage 1DreamLeague Season 22 - Group Stage 11 : 1 HEROIC 2024-02-2716:35 UTCA1Tier 1 OnlineDreamLeague Season 22 - Group Stage 1DreamLeague Season 22 - Group Stage 11 : 1 AR Complete List of Matches in Any Tournament
OG winning DreamLeague Season 4From left to right:MoonMeander, Fly, Cr1t-, Miracle- and N0tail.
OG at The International 2016From left to right:Cr1t-, n0tail, Fly, Miracle- and Moonmeander.
OG at EPICENTER 2017From left to right:s4, JerAx, Fly, N0tail and ana.
OG at The International 2017From left to right:n0tail, ana, JerAx, s4 and Fly.
OG at EPICENTER XLFrom left to right:7ckngMad, N0tail, Fly, JerAx and s4.
OG winning The International 2018From left to right:ana, Ceb, N0tail, Topson and JerAx.
OG at EPICENTER Major 2019From left to right:Topson, JerAx, Ceb, N0tail and ana.
OG winning The International 2019From left to right:ana, JerAx, Ceb, Topson and N0tail.
OG at The International 2021From left to right:Topson, Saksa, N0tail, SumaiL and Ceb.
OG winning ESL One Stockholm Major 2022From left to right:Taiga, Yuragi, bzm, ATF, Ceb and N0tail.
OG winning ESL One Malaysia 2022From left to right:Yuragi, Chuvash, bzm, Taiga and ATF.
OG at The International 2022From left to right:bzm, Misha, Taiga, ATF, and Yuragi.
Original logo prior to July 28th, 2017.
Called "春秋霸主" (Spring and Autumn Overlord) by Chinese fans, for their victories of spring and fall Majors. “Spring and Autumn Period ” means the period of 770 BC to 476 BC in Chinese history.
Called "冬蟲夏草" (Winter and Summer Elimination), for their failures during winter Majors and the summer TI. “Winterworm” and "summerherb" both mean medicinal herbs in Chinese, but their literal meanings sound very weak.
They have won the inaugural Dota 2 Frankfurt Major and Manila Major, becoming the first team to repeat as champions of a Valve-sponsored Dota 2 tournament. OG's winning streak extends to also winning the Boston Major and Kiev Major as well, giving them their third and fourth Dota 2 Major championships in a row.
They are the only organization to have won The International from an open qualifier.[needs update]
They are the first organization to have won The International twice, and the only organization to win The International two years in a row.
OG lead Liquipedia's organization money ranking.[needs update]
They hold the record for most Valve-sponsored tournaments won (totaling 8, including 2 TIs, 5 Majors, and 1 Minor).[needs update]
OG, along with Virtus.Pro and Team Secret, hold the record for most Majors won (totaling 5).[needs update]
Additional Content[edit]
2015Show All
[e] 2024-02-15 | How Ceb wants to bring OG back to the top by OG at ESL One Kuala Lumpur 2023
[e] 2023-12-24 | OG - Ceb: We Always Aim to Have Little to No Changes! by Rosesa[e] 2023-10-11 | Ceb: 2024? I want to Bring OG to Highest Level of Dota! by Rosesa (trans. )[e] 2023-09-28 | OG Ceb: "I think this last season was like hell on earth for the boys" by Pedro Romero of BLIX.GG[e] 2023-05-05 | Yuragi interview at Berlin Major: “Medusa’s Mana Shield numbers are just too much” by divushka of GosuGamers at Berlin Major 2023
[e] 2022-10-25 | TI 11 with Ceb - We Say Things 169 by SUNSfan and syndereN of We Say Things at The International 2022[e] 2022-08-29 | ESL One Malaysia 2022 OG press conference highlights by divushka of GosuGamers at ESL One Malaysia 2022
[e] 2021-12-26 | Подкаст с Misha. Роль капитана в OG by Olsior[e] 2021-10-07 | Rapid Fire Questions - OG by Dakota of Valve at The International 2021[e] 2021-10-07 | TI Memories - OG Saksa by Dota 2 of Valve at The International 2021[e] 2021-10-07 | TI Memories - OG N0tail by Dota 2 of Valve at The International 2021
[e] 2020-11-29 | OG.Topson: Я всегда ищу что-то новое @ EPIC League by MrBigJams of RuHub Media at EPIC League Season 2 Division 1 (trans. )[e] 2020-08-16 | OG.Topson: Я всегда рад играть с Ceb by NotInMyHouse of RuHub Media at OMEGA League: Europe Immortal Division (trans. )[e] 2020-01-29 | Meet the real Topson in the latest episode of Esports Unfold by Ben Sillis of Red Bull Esports
[e] 2019-09-13 | Position Six 39 - Ceb by Dan Offen of joinDOTA[e] 2019-08-22 | N0tail.OG: «Мы разберем по винтику каждого, кто встанет на пути» by NotInMyHouse of RuHub Studio at The International 2019[e] 2019-08-22 | Google me: Topson by NotInMyHouse of RuHub Studio at The International 2019[e] 2019-08-22 | Google me: JerAx by NotInMyHouse and Morf of RuHub Studio at The International 2019[e] 2019-06-20 | Interview with Topson - ESL Birmingham 2019 (DotA2) by capsunlocked at ESL One Birmingham 2019[e] 2019-05-07 | OG.Ceb: « Никогда не сдавайся, никогда не сдавайся». || «Never give up!» @ Interview with OG.Ceb by CrystalMay of RuHub Media at MDL Disneyland® Paris Major (trans. )[e] 2019-03-10 | Интервью с iLTW | StarLadder ImbaTV Dota 2 Minor by Tonya of StarLadder at StarLadder ImbaTV Dota 2 Minor Season 1[e] 2019-01-10 | Интервью с iLTW @ The Bucharest Minor by Abso of Maincast at The Bucharest Minor
[e] 2018-09-13 | HotCox #24 - 7ckngMad Interview by Hot_Bit and Dakota of Beyond the Summit[e] 2018-09-13 | 'Reflections' with 7ckngMad (Ceb) - Part 2 (Dota2) by counterstrike:Thorin[e] 2018-09-11 | 'Reflections' with 7ckngMad (Ceb) - Part 1 (Dota2) by counterstrike:Thorin[e] 2018-08-28 | OG.Topson Interview TI8 w/ Zyori by Zyori of Moonduck at The International 2018[e] 2018-08-19 | 7ckngMad TI8 Interview: “JerAx, notail, and I, we’re going to turn it into fire…into something great.” by Stephen Chu of VPEsports at The International 2018[e] 2018-05-26 | 7ckngmad/Seb @ ESL One Birmingham 2018: "I'm gonna write a book or something" by jmn at ESL One Birmingham 2018[e] 2018-05-21 | s4 'I'm pleasantly surprised Bulldog said good things about me' by Malystryx of joinDOTA at EPICENTER XL[e] 2018-05-12 | 7Mad 'The Majors don’t feel like Majors anymore, at least for me' by Malystryx of joinDOTA at EPICENTER XL[e] 2018-04-28 | Интервью с OG.Fly @ EPICENTER XL by RuHub Studio of RuHub Studio at EPICENTER XL[e] 2018-03-12 | Watch OG’s Fly talk Dota Pro Circuit and patch changes by Jon Partridge of Red Bull
[e] 2017-04-28 | The Kiev Major | Interview | FLY - OG by Sheever of PGL at Kiev Major 2017
[e] 2016-08-11 | TI6 At the Event - OG Exit Interview by Maelk and Monolith of Valve at The International 2016[e] 2016-08-10 | OG Fly: 'I think we are probably one of the teams that prepares the most' by Dylan Walker of Yahoo Esports at The International 2016[e] 2016-08-08 | TI6 Interview with OG---Moon by KBBQ of Mars Media at The International 2016 (trans. )[e] 2016-07-17 | HotBid Interview - Cr1t- by Hot_Bid of Beyond The Summit at The Summit 5[e] 2016-06-20 | Interview with Tal "Fly" Aizik after winning by GosuGamers at ESL One Frankfurt 2016[e] 2016-06-12 | Fly Interview Manila Major 2016 by SirActionSlacks of Valve at Manila Major 2016[e] 2016-04-15 | SL i-League Dota Invitational: Interview with OG.Fly by Inverno of StarLadder at StarLadder i-League Invitational Season 1 (trans. )[e] 2016-02-25 | Interviews with BigDaddy, Fly and Cr1t by Mars Media at Shanghai Major 2016
[e] 2015-12-09 | n0tail & Cr1t - Summit 4 Interview w/ Slacks by SirActionSlacks of Beyond The Summit at The Summit 4[e] 2015-11-18 | Frankfurt Majors Day 3 - Interview with Fly of OG by Epi of Beyond The Summit at Frankfurt Major 2015[e] 2015-11-12 | Интервью с MoonMeander (+ русские субтитры) @ Frankfurt Fall Major by Ineska of RuHub Media at Frankfurt Major 2015
2021Show All
[e] 2024-02-20 | OG part ways with Yuragi after two years together by Sarah "KZ" Zulkiflee of
[e] 2023-08-30 | OG will miss TI for the first time in history after defeat against Quest Esports by Sarah "KZ" Zulkiflee of at The International 2023 - Western Europe Qualifier[e] 2023-08-29 | OG knocks out Alliance from TI12 WEU Qualifiers by Sarah "KZ" Zulkiflee of at The International 2023 - Western Europe Qualifier[e] 2023-07-17 | Ceb’s Last Ride Part III, the Sequel: Electric Boogaloo – Ceb joins OG roster for Riyadh Masters by Michael Hassall of at Riyadh Masters 2023
[e] 2021-12-10 | It's official: Chu is the new OG coach by feaver of[e] 2021-11-24 | The end of an era and the new generation of OG by feaver of[e] 2021-11-23 | OG’s new Dota 2 squad is built around a pair of 16-year-olds by Otomo of ONE Esports[e] 2021-11-20 | N0tail to take a break from competitive gaming by Pandoradota2 of GosuGamers[e] 2021-11-19 | Topson to take a competitive break by divushka of GosuGamers[e] 2021-11-18 | Ceb steps away from competitive gaming (again) by Pandoradota2 of GosuGamers
2016Show All
[e] 2023-03-17 | Greatest Comeback In Dota 2 History: The Return Of Ceb by Red Bull Gaming at Berlin Major 2023
[e] 2022-09-23 | True Sight Insights : The International 2019 Finals by Dota 2 of Valve at The International 2019[e] 2022-09-22 | True Sight Insights : The International 2018 Finals by Dota 2 of Valve at The International 2018
[e] 2020-01-28 | True Sight : The International 2019 Finals by Dota 2 of Valve at The International 2019
[e] 2019-08-09 | OG's comeback to win DOTA 2's TI8 | Against The Odds by Red Bull Gaming at The International 2018[e] 2019-01-15 | True Sight : The International 2018 Finals by Dota 2 of Valve at The International 2018[e] 2019-01-10 | The Bucharest Minor -Team Intro OG by PGL at Bucharest Minor 2019
[e] 2018-03-11 | The Bucharest Major Intro OG by PGL at Bucharest Major 2018
[e] 2017-08-13 | TI7 OG Team Intro by Dota 2 of Valve at The International 2017[e] 2017-06-03 | OG Intro | The Manila Masters by The Masters at Manila Masters 2017[e] 2017-04-28 | The Kiev Major | Team Intro | OG by PGL at Kiev Major 2017[e] 2017-04-01 | DAC 2017 | Team Intro: OG by Perfect World at Dota 2 Asia Championships 2017
[e] 2016-12-08 | The Boston Major - TEAM INTRO - OG by PGL at Boston Major 2016[e] 2016-08-10 | TI6 Team OG by Dota 2 of Valve at The International 2016[e] 2016-08-09 | TI6 Player Profile - Fly - OG by Dota 2 of Valve at The International 2016[e] 2016-06-12 | The Manila Major - Player Profiles: Moonmeander (OG) by PGL at The Manila Major 2016[e] 2016-06-08 | The Manila Major - Team Intros: OG by PGL at Manila Major 2016
↑ Thursten, Chris (9 August 2016). "The biggest upset in the history of pro Dota 2 shocks the International 2016". PCGamer. Retrieved 14 August 2016.
↑ 2.00 2.01 2.02 2.03 2.04 2.05 2.06 2.07 2.08 2.09 2.10 2.11 2.12 2.13 OG Dota 2 (31 October 2015). "Monkey Business is now OG". Retrieved 31 October 2015.
↑ 3.0 3.1 "Xcalibur joins as sub". 25 March 2016. Retrieved 25 March 2016.
↑ 4.0 4.1 4.2 OGDota2 (23 August 2016). "TI Shuffle Season: Change is Never Easy". Retrieved 24 August 2016.
↑ 5.0 5.1 SUNSfan (2016-08-25). "Welcome MoonMeander & Blitz". Digital Chaos. Retrieved 2016-08-25.
↑ 6.0 6.1 6.2 6.3 6.4 6.5 6.6 6.7 6.8 OG (2016-08-31). "New Waves". Retrieved 2016-08-31.
↑ 7.0 7.1 OGDota2 (17 August 2017). "Post TI7". Retrieved 17 August 2017.
↑ 8.0 8.1 OG (2017-09-01). "The Journey Continues". Retrieved 2017-09-01.
↑ 9.0 9.1 OGDota2 (17 March 2018). "A change for 2018". Retrieved 18 August 2018.
↑ 10.0 10.1 10.2 OGDota2 (28 May 2018). "A Shift for OG". Retrieved 28 May 2018.
↑ 11.0 11.1 11.2 11.3 11.4 11.5 11.6 11.7 11.8 11.9 OGDota2 (4 June 2018). "With the European TI Qualifier fast approaching". Retrieved 4 June 2018.
↑ Sebastian "7ckingMad" Debs (2018-06-03). "From 1 to 5 : ana / TOPSON / Ceb / JerAx / N0tail. Back to business for TI qualifiers". Retrieved 2018-06-04.
↑ 13.0 13.1 13.2 OGDota2 (19 November 2018). "A new season begins". Retrieved 19 November 2018.
↑ 14.0 14.1 OGesports (2018-11-27). "Pajkatt is officially an OG.".
↑ 15.0 15.1 OGDota2 (3 January 2019). "Thank you Pajkatt !". Retrieved 3 January 2019.
↑ 16.0 16.1 Espada (2019-01-04). "Спасибо за крутое исполнение и красивые игры в стане Espada! Удачи в OG!" (in Russian). VK. Retrieved 2019-01-30.
↑ 17.0 17.1 OGDota2 (12 March 2019). "Thank You iLTW". Retrieved 12 March 2019.
↑ 18.0 18.1 18.2 18.3 OGesports (13 March 2019). "Welcome back² @anadota99". Retrieved 13 March 2019.
↑ 19.0 19.1 OGesports (30 April 2019). "A stunning announcement.". Retrieved 30 April 2019.
↑ OGesports (2020-01-25). "Our carry player and Io god @anadota99 will extend his break and come back for the next season.". Retrieved 2020-01-25.
↑ 21.0 21.1 OGesports (2020-01-26). "From Boston to Shangai, @iamJERAX allowed us to write a unique story with OG. All good things come to an end, and Jesse has decided to retire from pro Dota 2. Thank you Jesse!". Retrieved 2020-01-26.
↑ OGesports (2020-01-27). "Sometimes building a legacy requires to step out from the light. While still active in the roster @Ceb_dota is changing direction and will focus on helping OG players reach their potential.". Retrieved 2020-01-27.
↑ 23.0 23.1 OGesports (2020-01-28). "Once a rival who lived evil he’s now a precious ally who wants his crown back.". Retrieved 2020-01-28.
↑ 24.0 24.1 OGesports (2020-01-29). "Carries beware! Offlane got a lot more dangerous. Welcome to @midonedota2 as our last addition to the team!". Retrieved 2020-01-29.
↑ 25.0 25.1 OGesports (2020-01-29). "We were looking for an available position 4 player to match our expectations.". Retrieved 2020-01-29.
↑ 26.0 26.1 26.2 OGesports (2020-07-25). "Ceb is back.". Retrieved 2020-07-26.
↑ 27.0 27.1 OGesports (2021-03-22). "Thank you for everything friend.". Retrieved 2021-03-23.
↑ 28.0 28.1 "Welcome back³, ana.". OG. 2021-04-11. Retrieved 2021-04-11.
↑ 29.0 29.1 "A humble goodbye". OG. 2021-06-14. Retrieved 2021-06-15.
↑ 30.0 30.1 "The Royal Return". OG. 2021-06-15. Retrieved 2021-06-15.
↑ 31.0 31.1 "Another professional paper holder joins the crew". OG. 2021-09-24. Retrieved 2021-09-24.
↑ 32.0 32.1 32.2 "Sumail and Saksa to pursue opportunities outside of OG.". OG. 2021-11-08. Retrieved 2021-11-08.
↑ 33.0 33.1 OGesports (2021-11-12). "Forever OG.". Retrieved 2021-11-12.
↑ 34.0 34.1 "Ceb to step away from highest level of competitive Dota". OG. 2021-11-18. Retrieved 2021-11-18.
↑ 35.0 35.1 35.2 "Topson takes a break from competitive Dota to spend time with his family.". OG. 2021-11-19. Retrieved 2021-11-19.
↑ 36.0 36.1 36.2 "N0tail to take a break as a player to mentor the new OG Dota roster and stream.". OG. 2021-11-20. Retrieved 2021-11-20.
↑ 37.00 37.01 37.02 37.03 37.04 37.05 37.06 37.07 37.08 37.09 37.10 37.11 37.12 "A NEW ERA". OG. 2021-11-21. Retrieved 2021-11-21.
↑ 38.0 38.1 OGesports (2021-12-09). "It's not really a surprise!". Retrieved 2021-12-09.
↑ dota2misha (2021-12-01). "You all heard that Ammar announced our coach - Chuvash.". Retrieved 2021-12-01.
↑ 40.0 40.1 OGesports (2021-01-05). "With the movement happening in our divisions, it was time to bring in someone to steer the ship.".
↑ 41.0 41.1 OGesports (2022-10-21). "A quick shout out to a new face who has been helping us on the analyst side for TI11, @kozakdota!".
↑ 42.0 42.1 OGesports (2022-11-03). "From a pub star to proving himself as one of the best in the world.".
↑ 43.0 43.1 OGesports (2022-12-07). "What an adventure it has been.".
↑ NigmaGalaxy (2022-12-07). "He's here!".
↑ 45.0 45.1 OGesports (2022-12-09). "To say that we cannot keep our 3rd position slot away from spice would be an understatement.".
↑ 46.0 46.1 Kozak (2023-01-06). "Due to big hand injury and family member loss i don't continue my work with OG in new season.".
↑ 47.0 47.1 OG (2023-02-03). "Update from OG Esports: JMR steps down as CEO".
↑ 48.0 48.1 48.2 48.3 48.4 OG (2023-03-06). "SWAPEROOS > Roster Changes".
↑ 49.0 49.1 OG (2023-05-07). "Welcome home @Gorgc".
↑ 50.0 50.1 50.2 OG (2023-06-10). "After a FULL season of on-lane support, Evgenii “Chu” Makarov will officially move back to assistant coach.".
↑ 51.0 51.1 51.2 OG (2023-07-30). "Retirement is just THAT boring.".
↑ 52.0 52.1 OG (2023-08-01). "Back-to-back ESL One champion, Major winner, teammate, big brother & friend.".
↑ 53.0 53.1 OG (2023-08-09). "Apparently adopting an NA goober isn't too bad.".
↑ 54.0 54.1 Tundra Esports (2023-09-07). "Welcome two-time TI champion, the myth, the legend, @TopsonDota for TI12".
↑ Tundra Esports (2024-01-07). "Godson, Pogson, Topson...".
↑ 56.0 56.1 OG (2023-09-14). "We may not have achieved what we wanted, but we had the pleasure to go through our journey with a fantastic friend.".
↑ 57.0 57.1 OG (2023-10-12). "After 2 fantastic years together, today marks the formal closure of our collaboration with @Taigadota since our contract has now officially ended.".
↑ 58.0 58.1 OG (2023-10-12). "We also bid farewell to our friend @DmitryDorokhin, as his contract with us has also come to an end.".
↑ 59.0 59.1 OG (2023-11-08). "From "who's this guy again?" to ESL Malaysia Champion, a lot has happened.".
↑ Chu (2023-11-08). "Thx @OGesports for 2 years of emotional roller coaster".
↑ 61.0 61.1 61.2 61.3 OG (2023-11-12). "New power, new friendships from all around the globe.".
↑ 62.0 62.1 OG (2023-12-20). "We created unforgettable moments together this year.".
↑ 63.0 63.1 OG (2024-02-20). "Today, Yuragi has officially been moved to our inactive roster.".
↑ [Inside Source]
↑ "New CEO of the OG family". OG. 2020-06-24.
↑ Gorgc (2020-08-20). "parting ways with OG". TwitLonger.
↑ "We feel the same, buddy !". 2020-01-29.
↑ Andreea "Div" Esanu (2019-08-26). "OG’s psychologist Mia Stellberg at TI9". VPEsports.
OG RosterTeam
Played MatchesFull Roster
Ari (4)
bzm (2)
Wisper (3)
Ceb (5 - Captain)Organization
Bonkers (Manager)
Ceb (Co-Founder)
Misha (Coach)
N0tail (Founder)
vde The International Champions
Natus Vincere (2011)
Invictus Gaming (2012)
Alliance (2013)
Newbee (2014)
Evil Geniuses (2015)
Wings Gaming (2016)
Team Liquid (2017)
OG (2018, 2019)
Team Spirit (2021)
Tundra Esports (2022)
Team Spirit (2023)
2018 — OG (ana, Topson, Ceb, JerAx & N0tail)2019 — OG (ana, Topson, Ceb, JerAx & N0tail)
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“OG”是什么意思,你如何使用它? - 知乎
“OG”是什么意思,你如何使用它? - 知乎切换模式写文章登录/注册“OG”是什么意思,你如何使用它?智能上海高地物业管理有限公司 IT主管有没有人让你有幸称你为 OG?这是一种尊重的表现。我们将解释什么是 OG,以及如何使用这个俚语来指代您钦佩的人。原始黑帮从字面上看,OG 代表“原始黑帮”。如果这似乎与您在其中看到此首字母缩写词的地方不一致,请不要担心。虽然字面定义可能看起来不同,但“OG”这个缩写词在过去的几十年里已经有了自己的生命——从 70 年代的起源到现在的互联网。您可以将其写成大写“OG”和小写“og”。虽然多年来它的定义略有变化,但从本质上讲,称某人为 OG 是对某人的深切尊重或钦佩的表达。它可以指开拓性或创新性的人,例如普及音乐趋势或时尚风格的艺术家。这是最接近该术语在某事上“原创”或“第一”的最初定义。OG 也可以表示“特殊”或特定领域的最佳。在这个用例中,OG 是GOAT的同义词,或“有史以来最伟大的”。例如,您可能会说“老虎伍兹是 OG”来指代他在高尔夫领域的卓越表现。您还可以使用 OG 来指代朋友或个人关系,尤其是与您长期保持真诚的人。比如,你会把从小就在你身边的朋友称为OG。OG 和原始黑帮的历史OG 和“原始黑帮”来自非裔美国白话英语 或 AAVE。这句话是 1970 年代由总部位于洛杉矶的Crips 帮派创造的,其成员自称为 OG,或第一批出现的帮派。后来,他们会用这个词来指代长期以来对帮派忠诚的人。年轻的成员通常会称年长的成员为 OG。这个词通过嘻哈进入主流意识,其中融入了很多来自帮派文化的词汇和思想。你可以在整个 80 年代和 90 年代的说唱歌词中找到它,最著名的是一首名为“ OG Original Gangster ”的 Ice-T 歌曲,它登上了 Billboard 排行榜。最终,它到达了互联网。虽然第一个Urban Dictionary条目是从 2004 年开始的,但随着 Twitter 和TikTok等平台的兴起,OG 在 2010 年代后期大受欢迎。因此,您经常会发现模因说“只有 OG 会知道这一点”,指的是只有具有特定经验的人才能理解的内部笑话。什么是 OG?像许多术语一样,OG 的确切含义可能会因上下文而有很大差异,尤其是因为多年来它有如此多的定义。OG 最基本的使用方式是“原创”的简写。例如,您可能会说“Adam West is the OG Batman ”,指的是他是第一个在电影节目中扮演真人蝙蝠侠的人。这种用法很普遍,以至于您会发现很多人在使用它时实际上并不知道它代表什么。如前所述,OG 也是真实的、卓越的或令人钦佩的。年轻人经常称老年人,如他们的祖父母,OG。您还将为历史人物、艺术家、体育传奇人物以及任何值得钦佩的人看到这一点。因此,如果有人称您为 OG,您应该将其视为一种巨大的赞美。您还应该注意字母“G”就在“H”和“F”旁边,这就是为什么OG通常自动更正为“oh”和“of”的原因。因此,如果您看到一个似乎根本没有任何意义的“OG”,它可能是其他词之一。或者,一些键盘会自动将小写的“og”更正为“of”或“oh”,因此请确保在发送之前检查您的信息。如何使用OG使用 OG 非常简单。用它来指代您认为是原创、真实或卓越的人。根据上下文,您也可以称某人为“我的 OG”,这意味着您与他们有着特殊的关系。以下是 OG 的一些实际应用示例:“Prince 是 og 表演者。”“我爷爷经历过一些疯狂的事情。他是个OG。”“你是我的OG。风雨同舟,你一直在我身边。”“克里斯托弗·里夫对我来说就是 OG 超人。”您想了解其他互联网首字母缩略词吗?查看我们对TBF、IRL和WBK的解释,以进一步扩展您的在线俚语词汇。发布于 2022-04-18 18:48Olympia Dukakis: Undefined(电影)赞同 31 条评论分享喜欢收藏申请
不是说唱做得早就叫OG - 知乎
不是说唱做得早就叫OG - 知乎首发于小强蜀熟切换模式写文章登录/注册不是说唱做得早就叫OG小强蜀熟我发现某些说唱听众有个误区,把做得早的说唱歌手一律叫OG,这显然是有问题的。或许有人把OG的O理解成了old,然而OG的全称是original gangster(真正的匪帮)。当然,放在中文说唱的语境,OG跟匪帮扯不上关系,但跟说唱是否做得早也没直接关系。我对OG的理解是,为中文说唱做出了重大贡献,对后来者影响深远。这需要多年时间才能达成,所以OG往往资历老、做说唱年头长,但不代表只要说唱做得早就叫OG。OG不一定作品顶尖,不一定作品数量多,但他一定为说唱文化做了很多事。王波对说唱最大的贡献不在于他是隐藏成员,不在于他说唱做得早,而是在于他2004年创办了地下Hip-Hop Party Section 6。Section 6的舞台发掘了一大帮牛逼的说唱歌手,比如阴三儿、丹镇北京。陈昊然第一次battle,就是在Section 6。丹镇北京的这帮人,张千、黄硕、刘锐、斯威特,开始是Section 6台下看演出的一帮孩子,2010年前后他们登上Section 6的舞台,2016年初,这帮因Section 6结识的说唱歌手做了场拼盘演出,随后他们想做一个类似于Section 6的系列演出,于是有了丹镇北京。OG的意义,在于传承,发掘、帮助更多后来者,而且这样的传承是连续的。Nasty Ray早年是Section 6的常客,2012年他创办了另一个地下Hip-Hop Party Natural Flavor。2018年,Nasty Ray因对中文说唱做出重要贡献,成为世界首个Hip-Hop组织Zulu Nation官方成员。OG甚至不一定是说唱歌手。来自底特律的Showtyme为把Hip-Hop带入中国于2001年在上海创办了iron mic;街舞出身的ComLee于2006年从深圳徒步到北京拍摄纪录片《嘻哈在中国》,随后成立了嘻哈融合体,再后来,有了LisetnUp以及今年的《说唱听我的》。传承、帮助后来者,除了举办Hip-Hop Party、说唱比赛,还有种方式是成立厂牌。说唱歌手做到一定地步,往往会有使命感,要为他represent的城市做点什么,于是派克特在西安成立了NOUS,光光在南京成立了Free-Out,光光的想法特别朴素,就是要帮一把小兄弟们,他曾在三年前说,“我想把他们捧起来,不一定要做到什么高度,但是至少能让说唱一直养活他们,那个年代没有人捧我们,现在有机会我就想推他们一把。”理解了光光的初心,也就能理解他为何会在节目里焦虑紧张了。厂牌分两种,一种是自发成立、不签合同的民间厂牌,一种是有资本注入、要签合同的商业厂牌。谢帝对中文说唱的贡献,除了把成都话说唱带向全国,打响说唱会馆的名号,还在于签约少城时代后,成立第四音乐。民间厂牌在于做出好作品,而商业厂牌在于变现,变现太重要了,有生存才有发展,于是派克特携NOUS成员Cream D、Kigga、张昊签了第四音乐。谢帝很久没有现身了,无论他以后还做不做说唱,他的OG地位永远摆在那里。当然,中文说唱的OG远不止上述几位,我只是想说,OG不在于做说唱早不早,不在于作品好不好,而是在于对圈子有多大贡献,影响了多少人。shout out to所有OG,中文说唱发展到今天,离不开OG们的无私贡献,是他们在推动这个文化滚滚向前,薪火相传。发布于 2020-07-02 18:01Hip Hop(嘻哈音乐)说唱 (Rap)说唱听我的(综艺)赞同 7929 条评论分享喜欢收藏申请转载文章被以下专栏收录小强蜀熟说唱文化
如何评价 OG 战队的两连冠,他们究竟有多强? - 知乎
如何评价 OG 战队的两连冠,他们究竟有多强? - 知乎首页知乎知学堂发现等你来答切换模式登录/注册电子竞技刀塔(DOTA 2)OG 战队如何评价 OG 战队的两连冠,他们究竟有多强?OG 3:1 击败 Liquid 夺得 Ti9 冠军,成为世界首支双冠王,你有什么想说的?显示全部 关注者109被浏览284,215关注问题写回答邀请回答好问题1 条评论分享55 个回答默认排序例不虚发探花郎MAX+、PCGAME特约撰稿人 关注谢邀他们不强他们个个都是大菜BANA 16年带着年轻的IG击败当时20多连胜的抬走队NB鸟巢杯夺冠的时候,你们看不起他。他在OG两夺MAJOR的时候,你们说他是栓狗中单,是敌野师。TOPSON 去年你们说他场场被打爆,今年说他TOP送。CEB一开始你们说他是崩7二代。JERAX倒是成名已久,喷他菜的人少。大爹也是没啥人喷,只是从TI3开始就有人说这小胖子是个逗比吧?后来组了OG夺冠,你们又说这人是抱上了奇迹哥和JERAX 等人的大腿。对,你们看到的是ANA和IG的奖金纠纷,你们骂ANA贪得无厌,不肯学中文。我看到的却是一个不到18岁的选手能作为核心带队夺冠,这样的选手也许比MAYBE还有潜力,(因为MAYBE始终是将才,却从来没有承担过领袖的责任,哪怕在CDEC里也不是)IG为什么这么点钱都舍不得给人家,留他在中国打职业也比放他出来祸害强啊。后来你们说他栓狗中单,敌野师,我看到的却是他在所有参赛选手中独一档的致死输出能力以及后期几乎0失误的老辣心态。至于TOPSON,去年我就说了这是一位能力极强,心理素质极好,英雄池深厚的功能型中单。LGD为了对付他,不得不局局把MAYBE的英雄放在最后一两手选,就是希望打TOPSON的counter对线,然而即使如此TOPSON依然能在残局发挥自己的作用,第一局经济第5的骨法藏在莫名其妙的角落突然一套爆发秒了AME,第四局一套B刀连招熟练的带走波上来的水人。很有意思的是,终于有一名选手的致死输出能力以及输出经济比能够和ANA同一档了,这个人就是TOPSON。结果在去年我点评TI8的回答里,评论区疯狂有人输出说他们根本没看出来TOPSON有我说的那么厉害,他们就是觉得TOPSON菜的不行,OG全靠ANA。嗯,对,TOPSON是你们口中的大菜逼。是到处送。然后呢?然后人家TI9决赛这三局的表现,人家整个TI9打下来1.69的输出经济比(一般核心选手1.0-1.1)我就问一句:耳光可响?!OG真的不强一点儿也不强只是他们和OPEN AI对战过后一定是吸取到了什么经验,对整个DOTA的理解已经变了,和其他队比起来,他们现在在玩的就是NEXT LEVEL DOTA。四保一?这个战术天梯500分都听说过,不就是保大哥么,可是看人家是怎么保的?人家不是四个人团团围住大哥等着救等着后手,人家是四个人过了对线期疯狂找你们搞事,让你们无暇去针对ANA的刷钱节奏,就等着ANA出山来收割。推进?大家也都会啊,为什么OG的奶推,小精灵一波流,炼金推进流那么厉害?就在于他们起TIMING的时候,你们经济不够打出致死输出啊。如果我们还停留在:大B神强无敌!MAYBE对线第一人!WINGS历史TI统治力第一万花筒绝活海就放你绝活!这种对DOTA的理解,这种对中国DOTA过去荣光的追思的话。那么劝各位明年TI10的本子少买点儿吧,买了也是给外国队送钱的。发布于 2019-08-25 21:37赞同 23675 条评论分享收藏喜欢收起zz赵 关注og夺冠的背后,暴露了看似平衡的dota2,背后隐藏着的极大“不平衡”og之所以强,就是强在了他对游戏的理解很深,并且抓住这种“不平衡”,我称这种不平衡为“绝对强势期”。大家都知道当某些英雄出到了关键装备,拥有了关键技能以后会有一个这个英雄的“强势期”。而当一个团队拥有了核心技能,核心装备,可对敌方进行越塔开团,并且在不失误的情况下,以敌方当前的英雄技能与装备,百分百打不过己方团队的时候,这就是“绝对强势期”og到达绝对强势期以后果断发动团战 ,即使对面aoe控制完美的控住两三人,但是由于输出不足,加上己方奶人酱油走位谨慎,可以及时奶上。og可以以少换多拿下团战,并保证大哥的存活。然后就是一波波的压迫,逼迫对面买活,压缩对面发育空间。而己方不断发育,更新装备,成长英雄等级。随之而来的就是绝对强势期的延续。og强的第二点就是,他不仅理解到了绝对强势期,并且他的前期运营可以使得他的绝对强势期如期到达以ti9总决赛最后一场为例,对线期过后,伐木机与小小多次因带危险线被李逵三四个人抓而阵亡。以此换回了小精灵安稳的度过了发育的最关键时期,如期出到了a帐,带队平推。一个伐木机,你来俩人一定杀不死,来三人不一定杀死,来四个人死了都血赚。伐木机的带线不仅给到了兵线的压力,最重要的是使得李逵被迫把精力放在伐木机身上。与此同时呢,上帝在成长。从那一次次组队抓伐木机和小小开始,李逵已经被迫入套,并且越陷越深,完全是跟着og的节奏在走。小精灵从不带危险线,甚至发育的野区都是四周围绕着队友,再加上一技能过载链的高速可跨地形移动,二技能精灵球开视野,不五人强行开团根本无法击杀小精灵。而液体的五人开团呢,伐木机带上线,精灵在下发育,中路放个外塔和小小,让你拔,让你杀。每次击杀获得的区区两三百金钱,和那被平分后微不足道的经验。与液体付出的发育时间比起来........og想说,不知道你亏不亏,反正我血赚og将四保一发挥到了极致。为了保一,四个人各有分工,有人带线牵扯你,有人野区蹲大哥,有人守塔来拖慢你拔塔速度,甚至为了争取大哥的发育时间与空间,他们四个可以随时为此奉献生命。og强的第三点就是失误少。对于og甚至对于绝大多数队伍来说,最大的不可接受的失误,就是一号位的失误。不提ame的小狗不开魔免和bkb上高,单说og的ana。由于上帝的失误,虚空独自收线被抓没买,放了lgd一局。由于ana的失误,幽鬼不及时买活守高,放了液体一盘。除此之外,og一号位再无失误。好像也就一局没输.......和lgd的第二局,开bkb冲高,杀了ame之后,在bkb还剩两秒的时候果断走下高地,即使脸上就有一个半血双头龙。与液体的第三局,虚空在上路由于徘徊几步之后,果断缩回自己三角区,不贪兵的ana避免了一次被对方三人抓单。而队伍其他四个人,团战奶量的释放及时,带线的牵扯战略意义重大,团战的强开点把握机会能力超强。失误极少极少,少到甚至每一次阵亡都是有意义的总的来说og对dota的研究比较深入,对比其他队伍就像你还处于以物换物,而我已经在割韭菜。编辑于 2019-08-26 14:16赞同 279124 条评论分享收藏喜欢
有谁能真正称得上是中文说唱的OG? - 知乎
有谁能真正称得上是中文说唱的OG? - 知乎首页知乎知学堂发现等你来答切换模式登录/注册说唱 (Rap)Hip Hop(嘻哈音乐)华语说唱有谁能真正称得上是中文说唱的OG?可以例举多个,尽量写出理由显示全部 关注者48被浏览136,467关注问题写回答邀请回答好问题添加评论分享28 个回答默认排序三幸田四体不勤,五谷不分,拥有理想,喜欢做梦 关注南竹游,北隐藏。竹游人,中国内地第一个开始钻研韵脚的说唱团体。其中的成员cee至今还有难以超越的韵脚编排。隐藏乐队。中国第一个把说唱从网络烂俗歌中解救出来的说唱团体。成员王波为我国说唱文化的传播做到了可以说前无古人的贡献。费尼克斯。曾经红极一时的说唱歌手。在那个年代歌词有着顶尖级别的哲思与技术。不过现在已经不再出歌。戴兵。中国第一位说唱歌手。写出了中国第一首说唱歌曲。尹相杰。之前是民族唱法歌手。成名后出过一张说唱专辑。阴三儿,北京说唱团体。影响了整整一代说唱歌手。后来因为歌词触及敏感问题而被封杀。肥宝。广州说唱歌手。打造了当时南方最大的厂牌之一——精气神。目前也慢慢隐退,但也会不时出新歌。幼稚园杀手。这位就不用多说了。当年骂到整个台湾没人敢出头(当然,这也和幼杀比较神秘,让人找不到diss的点有关)。光光。03年开始玩说唱。是元老级别人物中现在最活跃的之一。曾经几乎以一人之力单挑整个台湾说唱圈。李小龙(注意和著名武术家和演员区分)。早在90年代就活跃的元老。个人对他的了解不多,仅仅知道出了几首电视剧主题曲。唱法偏向硬核。也是一个写词到编曲的全能rapper。以上是一些元老,接下来是一些新生代中资历较老的。谢帝。几乎从10年后一直代表了国内说唱的顶级水准。现在的说唱歌手中最有排面的,没有之一。在新生代里无论是谁都要毕恭毕敬喊他一声谢老板。AR。中文说唱圈实力最顶尖的几个人之一。全面满级的说唱歌手。无论是韵脚,语速,文字游戏,还是思想,歌词立意,在整个圈子都是icon级别。文字游戏之王,押韵魔鬼。早在08就参加了铁麦比赛。当时地下韵脚最强的人之一。社会主义Gai。被招安前歌词妥妥的顶级水平,带有与欧美匪帮画风完全不同的江湖气。是真真从社会底层打打杀杀爬上来的rapper。被招安后各种删歌洗白也使很多人骂他不够real。不过都2020年了,扫黑除恶都开始好几年了,还在搞那种所谓的real是绝对脑子有问题。派克特。前乱战门成员,nous主理人。带出了cream d,辛巴等实力强悍的rapper。会编曲会写词会battle,也是一位全能型rapper。rise of babel可以入选中文说唱最经典的50张专辑之一。真正的玩的早又玩的好。小安迪。和答主来自同一所城市嘿嘿嘿~深蓝儿童成员。flow的钻研达到了几乎病态的水平,名副其实的天花板。少见的恐怖核说唱歌手。目前主要问题还是在写词上,有时还是感觉略显中二。。法老。十年硬核。受姆爷影响较大。直到《上学嗨》都可以感觉到有姆爷早期风格的影子。一线厂牌活死人的发起人之一。目前说唱圈顶流。最被伪粉高估的说唱歌手之一,没错。是高估。。贝贝。地下battle之王。押韵王者。但也是最被伪粉高估的说唱歌手之一。韵脚方面点满,其他方面和顶级略有差距。凭一己之力改变了地下掰头的格局。先写到这里,如果还想看的话我继续更。。顺便,只写大陆的。台湾的嘻哈听的不多,尤其是近几年几乎毫无进步还爱咋呼怼大陆碰瓷,15年被大陆圈子虐了一遍后才老实了一点。10年代后的rapper基本没啥可说的了。当然,也有可能是因为我听得少,10年后也有些有才的我不知道而已。编辑于 2020-08-30 10:27赞同 6055 条评论分享收藏喜欢收起kkk蛋蛋音乐制作人 关注个人认为不是玩的久就是OG,而是玩得久带来的影响力和自身实力1.派克特早期在乱战门是年龄最小的一位,乱战门是中国西北地区最具代表性的以hip-hop文化为主团体,在乱战门成立前,西安并没有很多人了解黑怕文化,而派克特当时就在乱战门担任伴奏制作,后续也参加各种battle大赛,也拿了不少冠军,随着时代在进步他的音乐并没有被时代淘汰,反而派克特出名就在于他多变的flow,派克特也是一定能够称得上国内的OG2.宋岳庭在影响力方面 不得不说宋岳庭影响了很大一部分人 成名于26岁 在24岁去世 就像AR刘夫阳歌词说到 他带来的影响就像是2pac life’s a struggle没有现在的说唱那些复杂的flow 更没有autotune 甚至里面还有底噪 但就是这样一首歌 你能够品到他想要表达的东西 发布于 2020-08-14 10:01赞同 8867 条评论分享收藏喜欢
en(西班牙电子竞技俱乐部)_百度百科 网页新闻贴吧知道网盘图片视频地图文库资讯采购百科百度首页登录注册进入词条全站搜索帮助首页秒懂百科特色百科知识专题加入百科百科团队权威合作下载百科APP个人中心Origen是一个多义词,请在下列义项上选择浏览(共2个义项)展开添加义项Origen播报讨论上传视频西班牙电子竞技俱乐部收藏查看我的收藏0有用+10Origen是来自西班牙的一支电子竞技俱乐部,简称“OG”,内涵为新的开始。由前Fnatic Team选手xPeke于2014年组建。OG战队主要经营的项目是英雄联盟,作为一支欧洲新军,OG在组建的第一个赛季里面就取得了不错的成绩,取得了LCS夏季赛的亚军并且成功晋级到了英雄联盟S5世界总决赛中。 [1]2020年9月15日,OG正式更名为Astralis,继续征战LEC联赛 [28]。中文名Origen战队外文名Origen成立时间2014年12月7日所属地区西班牙/欧洲运动项目电子竞技角逐赛事英雄联盟拥有者CarvinG现任主教练Guilhoto [2]知名人物xPeke、Nukeduck、Mithy主要荣誉2018欧洲大师赛冠军 [3]IEM10圣何塞站冠军目录1发展历史2参与赛事3过往队员发展历史播报编辑在为Fnatic征战四个赛季后,2014年末xPeke选择了离开并着手组建属于自己的战队,于是便有了Origen。之后不 久,Amazing、Niels和Mithy加入战队(当时xPeke也曾向Rekkles发出邀请却被拒绝,但Rekkles给xPeke推荐了他在单排里很欣赏的选手Niels);在2015年1月,sOAZ也加入队伍,于是这支“年轻”的战队便踏上了欧洲挑战者联赛的征程 [4]。OG2015赛季阵容Origen在2015年处子赛季以14胜2败的战绩横扫挑战者联赛取得了春季冠军并晋级欧洲LCS, [5]之后Origen不断挑战,不仅取得2015欧洲LCS夏季赛亚军, [6]建队初期就夺得全球总决赛的席位而且成功打进英雄联盟S5世界总决赛并且最终取得四强的不错成绩, [7]随后Origen又在当年的IEM圣何塞站当中以全胜成绩夺冠。 [8]然而进入2016赛季之后,俱乐部的管理问题和人员动荡始终困扰着Origen,导致Origen在2016赛季的竞技水平开始出现下滑,当年的夏季赛常规赛中,Origen在两轮比赛中只获得了2胜8平8负的战绩,处于联赛垫底的Origen不得面对保级的境况, [9]最终在8月6日的欧洲LCS升降级赛中,Origen艰难获胜,成功保住了LCS席位。 [10]进入2017赛季后的OG,状态没有得到任何的提升;整个春季常规赛中难求一胜,最后以13战全败的战绩不得不面对残酷的升降级赛。 [11]2017年4月14日,OG在夏季赛升降级赛的Bo5中0-3遭遇GIA横扫,正式宣布离开欧洲LCS大舞台。 [12]2017年5月,创建者xPeke与Cyanide或已离开队伍 [13]。OG2019赛季阵容2018年4月,OG开始重新组建阵容,征战当年的欧洲大师赛;Expect、inSec与Froggen先后加盟OG [14],之后FORG1VEN和前FNC辅助Jesiz也宣布加盟OG [15]。4月29日,OG在欧洲大师赛决赛上以3-0横扫来自波兰的IHG获得冠军 [3]。2018年11月,OG重回新的欧洲联赛(LEC) [16],并引进了全新的阵容征战2019LEC联赛 [2];OG在当年LEC春季赛季后赛中两次负于G2,最终获得亚军 [17]。参与赛事播报编辑赛季赛事成绩/关键赛果20192019欧美洲际对抗赛冠军(团体) [18]3胜1负2019欧洲LEC春季赛亚军G2 3:0 OG20182018欧洲大师赛冠军 [3]OG 3:0 IHG20172017EUCS夏季赛5th [19]1胜0平4负2017欧洲LCS夏季赛资格赛未晋级 [12]GIA 3:0 OG2017欧洲LCS春季赛9-10th [11]0胜13负20162017欧洲LCS春季赛资格赛晋级 [10]OG 3:2 MSF2016欧洲LCS夏季赛9th [9] [20]2胜8平8负2016欧洲LCS春季赛亚军 [21]G2 3:1 OG2015IEM10圣何塞站冠军 [8]OG 3:0 CLG英雄联盟S5世界总决赛四强 [7]SKT 3:0 OGS5全球总决赛欧洲区预选赛晋级 [20]OG 3:0 UOL2015欧洲LCS夏季赛亚军 [6]FNC 3:2 OG2015EUCS春季赛冠军 [5]OG 3:0 CWA过往队员播报编辑ID国家/地区姓名位置Alphari [22]英国Barney Morris上单Kold [23]丹麦Jonas Andersen打野Nukeduck [24]挪威Erlend Våtevik Holm中单Patrik [25]捷克Patrik JírůADMithy [26]西班牙Alfonso Aguirre Rodríguez辅助P1noy丹麦Kristoffer Pedersen替补/AD以上资料来自: [2] [27]新手上路成长任务编辑入门编辑规则本人编辑我有疑问内容质疑在线客服官方贴吧意见反馈投诉建议举报不良信息未通过词条申诉投诉侵权信息封禁查询与解封©2024 Baidu 使用百度前必读 | 百科协议 | 隐私政策 | 百度百科合作平台 | 京ICP证030173号 京公网安备110000020000About OP.GG - Our Story and Growth
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超详细的OG解析,手把手教你刷OG(内附最新2022版OG) - 知乎
超详细的OG解析,手把手教你刷OG(内附最新2022版OG) - 知乎切换模式写文章登录/注册超详细的OG解析,手把手教你刷OG(内附最新2022版OG)这里是holly分享GMAT学习经验/资料/ 提供答疑 相信大家在准备GMAT考试的时候都会搜集很多的备考资料,不得不说现在市面上的资料太多了,作为刚入门的新人,虽然手握一大堆资料,心里却一筹莫展,毫无头绪。既不知道用哪个,也不知道怎么用。那么今天就来给大家讲讲最常被提到,可以说是考G人手一份的OG吧~一、OG是什么?GMAT OG的全称是Official Guide for GMAT Review,中文名是GMAT官方指南。对新手来说,OG是必做的一份资料。因为在目前全网所有的真题中,OG是对正式考试帮助最大的一份资料,内分为综合、文本逻辑推理(Verbal)和定量推理(Quantitative)。基本每年会更新,更新的范围就是在旧版本上增加一些新题目。OG中题目的出题思路和题目类型都与官方一致,考试的内容也跟OG题目很相似,所以OG作为备考材料,可以说参考价值是极高的。在这本书里,涵盖了GMAT考试的所有题型,GMAT考试上你所可能遇到的题目考查形式与错误类型,基本都能在这里面找到,还配有全面的答案解析。题目按难易程度排列,能节省你的刷题时间,方便你做对应难题题目的练习。不管你是自学还是报班,OG都是你一定要去做的题目。简单点概括:OG就是考G人都会看的书二、OG有哪些?GMAT OG 一共有三册:官方指南(总册)、数学分册(做题)、语文分册(做题)。每年的五月份左右,GMAT官方会更新OG的版本,目前最新的是OG2022版。总的来说,总册题多,分册题少。总册是基础,分册是提升。建议大家以总册题目为主,因为总册题目更具代表性、更贴近正式的考题。三、OG的使用误区OG虽然是包括了往年的GMAT考试题目,但是整体的题目难度是低于考试难度的,它更多的是作为一个使用工具去帮助我们熟悉考点和出题思路,就像在上学时我们使用的教材,很重要,但是考试时候题目往往是超纲的。OG对于GMAT考试来说也是一样的同时OG总册的题量是相当大的,所以不能想着想要把OG上的题目记忆下来,这样是没有任何效果的,前面也说过OG的使用是解析要高于做题的,重点去解决自己易错的知识点,以了解出题者的意图,扩宽解题思路为主,让OG成为备考最大的利器而不是在OG上浪费宝贵的备考时间。四、OG的正确打开方式使用顺序:自测题——句子改错——逻辑——阅读——数学1)自测题:2天 帮助你更好的了解自己的情况2)语法:11天 牢记知识点,掌握做题技巧1-6天:SC章节,每天完成30题,并看后面的答案解析,认真记录错题笔记7-11天:将正确选项带到题目中,每天阅读并翻译45道题目。3)逻辑:建议15天 把握逻辑关系目的:掌握每道题的逻辑链,作者的结论、假设、前提1-10天:CR章节,每天完成10题,并看后面的答案解析,认真记录错题笔记11-15天:每天分析20题错题记录。4)阅读:建议24天 总结阅读题型,把握各题型重点1-8天:RC章节,每天完成4篇,并看后面的答案解析,认真记录错题笔记9-16天:重新限时做题,每天4篇17-24天:将做过的阅读题目进行翻译,每天8篇5)数学:建议7-8天 梳理知识点1-5天:数学章节,每天刷题100道,并看后面的答案解析,认真记录错题笔记6-8天:总结错题,分析错题记录希望大家在复习的过程中,多总结多归纳,讲就方法和效率。题是做不完的,要发现核心的重点和自身的薄弱点才会达到事半功倍的效果。使用建议:注重答案解析,摸清题目背后的逻辑和思维,不要使用题海战术,做题在精不在多,毕竟GMAT考试的目的就在于你的考察思维能力。 五、OG要刷几次?这里建议大家至少要刷2-3次OG1、第一遍(粗刷)在第一次刷OG的时候,我们需要注意在做完题目后,通过对照正确答案和解析,来了解整场考试的考试思路。第一遍最重要的是通过刷OG,建立起对GMAT考试和考察方向的基础认识。2、第二遍(精读)在第二次刷的过程中,我们要对每一道题目和它的具体思路进行详细的分析,要学会运用之前学过的基础知识,琢磨出每一道题所考察的考点。3、第三遍(分析)当刷题时,考点多次、重复出现的时候,我们要试着去总结归纳不同的思路。在不停的查漏补缺中,进一步的去思考精炼的过程。只有多次的去刷OG,才能在脑海里留下一些记忆,对题目有着更充分的理解,才能够去进行横向的联想和比较。想要获取2022最新版OG的同学可以在评论区给我留言,看到后会私信回复大家哦~ 发布于 2021-08-19 18:01GMATGMAT备考英语学习赞同 510 条评论分享喜欢收藏申请